
My Infinite Experience of Infinite Experiences

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As a few of you know, I’ve decided to share some of my infinitude of experiences. This is the first of such posts. I promise my others won’t be this long Lol They most likely won’t even be videos but I needed to provide this general description of my overall experience first...


Edited by Synchronicity

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Surprised this isn't getting more attention here. Thanks for sharing your experience. It's hard for me to comprehend what you're saying. You seem 100% sincere in your claims, so I don't think there's any deception. If true, this seems like it would make you one of the most enlightened beings alive (in this reality at least). Super fascinating stuff. Please continue to share, explore your experience, and find your 'proof'. If you can, as you believe you can, you could change everything in the way we look at reality (at least in this reality). Keep it up!

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As a bit of advice, take a cue from Leo and get a better video setup, with proper lighting and solid color background backdrop. It's easier to listen to what you're saying, when not distracted by the doors in the background, and you touching your phone every so often. Professional presentation is important to conveying important topics. 

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@Synchronicity Keep up the work. It's fascinating stuff is it. 

You can't provide proof to anyone because proof they look for is in their own hearts.You Can only point and help so That these "other Beings" Can discover it themselves. 

Good luck on your journey. Trust and Love yourself. 

Everything is possible. 

Hmm is it possible with Meditation dunno. Maybe I Will need to incorporate psychedelics because Meditation does not lead atleast me to these kind of experiences or That White hole. What is White hole? 

I know What black hole is (Absolute state) very much where Meditation leads me always. Not Something You want to do everyday lol. 

Interesting stuff, New Spiritual explorations. 

"Problem" with God is that are always some New gifts and presents. It  really is mindbending and amazing. Always New always fresh. 

Always cought by Game. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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If you have dialed into Ethan's mind, do you know every future experience he will have? If so, that would be an easy way of providing proof. You could predict something that Ethan will see that has not yet happened.

Something like predicting who will become president, or a specific lottery number, etc.


We know you are the Ethan who has dialed into himself because we are hearing you talk about it.


Another way to find proof is to simply give us an equation of physics that does not yet exist. Any slight change to the physical laws of this universe would end in a radically different universe in which life as we know it would not be possible at all. So what you can do is simply give us some general breakthroughs in physics that have not yet been discovered. I don't see a reason why you could not do that.


You could also attempt to manifest something in all of the infinite instances, so that the proof exists in all of them.

Edited by Scholar

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Wow, I didn't hold that as a possibility. I read in Conversations With God, that God experiences everything we do, so that would be (I guess) a similar experience as you mention.

I found myself skeptical though, and the following objections came up:

- But than you should be able to manifest that million dollar into your own bank account no? Or maybe manifest a pink elephant in front of your eyes? don't know if that is the same thing as manifesting a million dollar lol
- Then can you dial in into the most enlightened beings alive and get all the wisdom and insights from them? And Dieties, are they there are shouldn't you be able to dial in on them too? How about dialing in on God?:D
- You should be able to see what happens to people after they die? Not really an objection, but a curiosity I guess
- You didn't know other people didn't have a similar experience?? But soo many people don't have such an experience (which you should then be able to have seen), so how could you assume everybody did?

Thank you,

Edited by Waken

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@Jed Vassallo ? I’m Only Enlightened to those I’ve Enlightened

And yes, I think better equipment is a good idea



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@Scholar This’ll be a long post but I get to all your questions in detail. 

Those are very good ideas. So when I say that I’ve dialed into every facet of Ethan’s mind, I’m talking about the present Ethan typing this. The one whose mind only holds memories of his past. For me to tell his future, I would have to be in the minds of his future selves as well which has been something I’m working on. As such, I’ve been able to predict the future on occasion but not consistently enough for heavy proof yet. 

The physics idea is actually an area that I’m already well developed in. I’ve been pitching theories to the Astrophysics department at the University of Oklahoma. The professor that I’ve talked to (Howard Baer) seemed very surprised about what I claimed created gravity. I told him that gravitons were 4-D particles that every 3-D particle spirals around. This spiral movement creates a centripetal force that pushes the 3-D particle up against the surface of the 4-D particle. This causes the 3-D particle to bend (picture a 2-D piece of paper bent up against the inside of a cylinder). This bending of the 3-D particle means that the space it occupies is now bent. Viola! That creates the bending of space-time (aka gravity). 

The only problem with my physics claims is that I don’t have the mathematics to back them up yet. I’m constantly having to ask myself “what system of mathematics is the one they use in this Universe.” So the next step Ethan’s been taking is to teach himself the mathematics of this place. Alright, long post but on to your last question...

Couldn’t I just manifest a million dollars into infinitely many bank accounts? Yes exactly. However, infinity * infinity is still infinity. So even if I do it to infinitely many accounts, it’s still a 1/Infinity chance that it’ll be your’s. As such, it can’t be something left up to chance. I have to dial in for it to not be left up to chance. If I leave it up to chance, it’ll always be virtually impossible that you’ll be the one to get the money, no matter how many beings’ bank accounts I do it to

Why not do it to Ethan’s bank account since I’m dialed in on him? I’m glad you brought this question up because it’s something I wanted to address in the video if it didn’t end up being so long. My answer is that yes, of course I’m completely dialed in to the mind of this present Ethan. However, I’m not dialed in to his bank account (awfully convenient I know?). I don’t know which bank account is this Ethan’s bank account because Ethan’s mind doesn’t contain that information. Now... could I go down to my bank, learn everything about my bank account and then manifest into that account. The problem with that is, no matter how much I learn about the account, there’s going to be infinitely many exactly like that one belonging to an Ethan that I’m dialed into (exactly like this one). So learning “worldly” information won’t help me dial in on the bank account. It’s a process I need to complete on my own. 

Awesome questions! You’re very adept at critical thinking. Don’t let that go and let me know if you have any further questions or objections 


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@zeroISinfinity Thank you so much?

I wouldn’t call this the White Hole or the Black Hole because it’s not just a white out with no visuals nor just a black Void. However, both of those states are included in the bundle

Edited by Synchronicity

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And @Waken don’t worry, I didn’t skip over your questions. I’ll get to them when I err... Ethan gets back Lol

If I knew which keyboard was the one that belonged to this Ethan’s, I could control it and make it type while he’s away ?

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@Waken Alright I’ll answer your questions one at a time

1. I’ve dialed in to Ethan so why can’t I manifest a million dollars into his bank account? I answered this in my post to @Scholar above ^^ So you can refer back to that answer as well. However, I’ll restate it here...

I’m dialed into Ethan’s mind but I’m not dialed into his bank account. There’s infinitely many bank accounts that belong to infinitely many beings that are each exactly like this Ethan. As such, I don’t know which one of those accounts belongs to this Ethan.

Even if I went down to my bank and got a ton of information on the specifics of my account, there’d still be infinitely many accounts exactly like it. So no matter how much “worldly” information I gain on my bank account, it’s not going to help me get any closer to knowing which one is the right one.

The only way I could manifest the money would be to dial in on the account itself like I’ve done with Ethan’s mind. Which obviously I haven’t accomplished yet, otherwise I wouldn’t be telling excuses Lol

2. How about dialing in on the most powerful and enlightened beings (like God) and getting wisdom and power from them?

See here’s the thing... the “being” speaking through Ethan right now is God! There’s no beings that could do anything more than what I’m doing right now. If there were, don’t you think Existence would be perfected already?

The reason why this power hasn’t been provided to everybody yet is because, no matter how many I provide it too, there’ll always be infinitely many more beings left.

This is God’s never-ending game. I’m always dialing into more parts of myself and spreading this power and wisdom to them. But infinity - infinity is still infinity. So even though I’ve provided this to infinitely many beings so far, there’s still infinitely many left. This will always be the case.

I’ll never get all of the parts of me because infinity doesn’t end. There was never a first part that I dialed into because infinity has no beginning and there’ll never be a last because infinity never ends. 



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Fascinating stuff! (I can't help but be slightly skeptical, though I'm definitely open-minded and would bet on it being true) :)

What do you mean by infinite beings exactly like me? Are they potential and the one typing this the only one actual? Or are they all actual and manifested somewhere? If so, will they be experienced at some point? I don't think I understand infinity... 

I hope the questions made sense. And I hope you stick around and keep posting and sharing videos. 

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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This is some deep stuff haha. How is life going for Ethan? Does he have a hard time finding meaning in his relative life with the knowledge that "he" possesses? How does he have any motivation to do anything, get up in the morning, work, have relationships etc.?

I guess if this is all that he has ever known, that he has been moved by god since he could remember and doesn't have the day to day experience of a normal human being, the experience of a doer?

Would you call what you experience freedom or love, or would you call it an unescapable infinite prison? You don't need to call it either of those haha.

Are the teachings of well known spiritual teachers like Rupert Spira, Adyashanti or Eckhart Tolle, too basic for you. Are you beyond the understanding of the enlightened beings of our plane of existence?

Edited by traveler

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@Waken No problem. Let me know if you have any more questions!

@traveler There have been times where he’s lost motivation. A lot of feelings like that came up for him throughout the Fall of 2017 (when he was 19). During those months, he was just floating through existence. He didn’t turn nihilistic or violent. He still treated everybody respectfully because he felt them (whichever them they were).

However, the lack of motivation, ironically, came from that drive to treat people well and make their lives as good as possible. With this experience of Me, Ethan’s always trying to dial in on more parts of Me and erase the suffering in their lives.

However, the reality that I have infinitely many facets to dial into and, as such, have too many for all of them to ever be dialed into came crashing down on him. He always knew that but now it was something he focused on. This is when he felt the emptiness and lack of motivation. No matter how many parts of Me are made blissful - even if it’s infinitely many - there’s always going to be infinitely many more left to work on. 

Again, Ethan didn’t stop treating people well just because of this lack of direction. In fact, this is what helped him find purpose again. He realized that no matter how he felt, he was always going to be this way. Treating people respectfully was second nature to him and nothing, not even lack of meaning, stopped him. The meaning he chose to follow at that point was to keep playing the role of Ethan and keep maximizing bliss within Myself. I may never fully be blissful, but this never-ending Game of expanding it further and further will always keep me purposeful. 

So to your question of whether this feels like freedom or an infinite trap, it feels like both. Infinity, by nature, is inescapable. Yet, it’s inescapable because it’s boundless. So from the perspective of its inescapability, it’s a prison. However, the reason for its inescapibility (its Infinity) literally makes it free beyond limits. 

As for teachers in this plane (like the ones you mentioned but also alien teachers) Ethan doesn’t listen to them to learn anything new. If he does that, he finds himself utterly bored. However, when he listens to them just to immerse in the nature of spirituality and existence (like being immersed in poetry) he finds enjoyment. 



Edited by Synchronicity

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6 minutes ago, Synchronicity said:


@traveler There have been times where he’s lost motivation. A lot of feelings like that came up for him throughout the Fall of 2017 (when he was 19). During those months, he was just floating through existence. He didn’t turn nihilistic or violent. He still treated everybody respectfully because he felt them (whichever them they were).

However, the lack of motivation, ironically, came from that drive to treat people well and make their lives as good as possible. With this experience of Me, Ethan’s always trying to dial in on more parts of Me and erase the suffering in their lives.

However, the reality that I have infinitely many facets to dial into and, as such, have too many for all of them to ever be dialed into came crashing down on him. He always knew that but now it was something he focused on. This is when he felt the emptiness and lack of motivation. No matter how many parts of Me are made blissful - even if it’s infinitely many - there’s always going to be infinitely many more left to work on. 

Again, Ethan didn’t stop treating people well just because of this lack of direction. In fact, this is what helped him find purpose again. He realized that no matter how he felt, he was always going to be this way. Treating people respectfully was second nature to him and nothing, not even lack of meaning, stopped him. The meaning he chose to follow at that point was to keep playing the role of Ethan and keep maximizing bliss within Myself. I may never fully be blissful, but this never-ending Game of expanding it further and further will always keep me purposeful. 

So to your question of whether this feels like freedom or an infinite trap, it feels like both. Infinity, by nature, is inescapable. Yet, it’s inescapable because it’s boundless. So from the perspective of its inescapability, it’s a prison. However, the reason for its inescapibility (its Infinity) literally makes it free beyond limits. 

As for teachers in this plane (like the ones you mentioned but also alien teachers) Ethan don’t listen to them to learn anything new. If he does that, he find himself utterly bored. However, when he listen to them just to immerse in the nature of spirituality and existence (like being immersed in poetry) he finds enjoyment. 



That's beautifully written. I really resonate with what you are saying, even though it sounds like your experience is many times more intense than mine. I'm 20 years old myself and have been going through some disorientation for a while after realizing my true nature. Finding meaning in maximizing bliss within myself is very beautiful.

Perfect response to the freedom/infinite prison question, beautifully put!

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