
My Infinite Experience of Infinite Experiences

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@Synchronicity thank you for making the video! I haven't read through the whole thread yet, but have you thought about somehow getting a brain scan or some interested psychologist to do an fMRI (which is probably hard to get). I am not saying that the brain is producing your experience. I think there can never be proof for us unless we ourselves have the direct experience. Until then the only hint can be a 2nd-person-perspective of your 1st-person-perspective, which is the brain. If there is some anomaly found, we would then at least have a basis for believing in what you are saying. I'm not saying that there has to be an anomaly, but maybe there is.

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@Synchronicity Hey Ethan, I'm an aspiring game designer and I think VR has so much potential to introduce people to spirituality. I envision a game centered around great art design and music (something like Journey) that is able to connect with people's higher-selves. The thing is that I would have to invest at least 5 years of my life to create such a game, and since the game development industry is notoriously competitive for indie studios, I worry that the game would flop. As a result, I haven't been able to reconcile how I should balance pure creativity while still making a profit in mainstream gaming culture. I'm curious as to what your take is on this?

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  On 9/16/2019 at 2:46 PM, tsuki said:

So, why did Ethan have to ask his parents in the first place if he didn't have to? Why does knowledge that his parents provide is of any significance compared to the infinity of knowledge that could have been gathered?

Hey @tsuki so I also answered this question in the video (check 16:36). But my answer wasn’t detailed so I’ll give it here too.

Basically, me thinking that this experience was normal was based purely on assumption.

If you watch the video at 15:56 I say that I’ve always had  this experience, even before I recognized what it was. So even though this experience was present for Ethan’s childhood self, he didn’t analyze the nuances and implications of it (I hadn’t dialed that sort of analytics logic into his mind yet)

So, imagine what it’d be like to have an infinite experience while you’re a child without a care in the world. For example, when you were a child, you would look at a tree and see its various traits. You could see that it had green leaves and a brown trunk with a rough texture but you didn’t analyze what those traits meant. You didn’t know what the color green was, even though you saw it in the leaves.

It was the same thing for Ethan with this experience. Like the tree, he saw it and saw that there were infinitely many beings like his parents who didn’t share his experience.

Yet, he didn’t analyze what that meant. He didn’t use the logical reasoning to put two-and-two together and realize that, due to the infinite nature of reality that he was seeing, it was most likely the case that his parents here didn’t share his experience. So like a “normal” child, he went ahead and assumed that what he saw was what others saw.

As I integrated the analytical logic into his mind overtime, that’s when he started recognizing what he already saw: that most parts of Me didn’t have such an experience. This is when he slowly started talking about stuff with his parents and realizing that it indeed wasn’t normal. 

I’ll let you read this answer while I answer your other questions in the next comment.

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  On 9/16/2019 at 4:54 PM, Petals said:

@Synchronicity thank you for making the video! I haven't read through the whole thread yet, but have you thought about somehow getting a brain scan or some interested psychologist to do an fMRI (which is probably hard to get). I am not saying that the brain is producing your experience. I think there can never be proof for us unless we ourselves have the direct experience. Until then the only hint can be a 2nd-person-perspective of your 1st-person-perspective, which is the brain. If there is some anomaly found, we would then at least have a basis for believing in what you are saying. I'm not saying that there has to be an anomaly, but maybe there is.

Yes! That’s actually something that I think would be very cool to do.

While the brain doesn’t produce these experiences, I’m sure there’d be some physical markers on it produced from the experience. Such as various neural connections stimulated in the brain by the intensity. 

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  On 9/16/2019 at 5:05 PM, Synchronicity said:

Yet, he didn’t analyze what that meant. He didn’t use the logical reasoning to put two-and-two together and realize that, due to the infinite nature of reality that he was seeing, it was most likely the case that his parents here didn’t share his experience. So like a “normal” child, he went ahead and assumed that what he saw was what others saw.

Thank you, that explains the first part.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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  On 9/16/2019 at 4:06 PM, Synchronicity said:

Noted. You’re on my list of selves to dial into. Hopefully it turns out to be you you Lol

amazing jokes.

Thank you for the in depth response!

Do you feel ethans emotions strongly, more strongly than the other lives?
Whats it like when ethan sleeps, are you still aware of everything else you have described? 

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Another question -

Can you know me through just our internet conversion( the infinite possibilities of me,  not the me me, i understand you cant pick out the me me, yet.)



Edited by GromHellScream

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  On 9/16/2019 at 6:21 PM, GromHellScream said:

Another question -

Can you know me through just our internet conversion( the infinite possibilities of me,  not the me me, i understand you cant pick out the me me, yet.)



That’s one way to learn more about the person. If you want, DM me and we can set something up

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  On 9/16/2019 at 2:46 PM, tsuki said:

The other question is:

You said that this experience is 'frozen' as snapshots of existence.
What does it mean to 'do' something, like 'manifest million dollars' in such a frozen singularity?

Doing stuff feels like being immersed in each piece of the movement all at once. So if I jump, I’m in each infinitesimal stage on the way up and way down. 

To answer your final question: yes, I could prove my existence in a world that I’ve dialed into. I’ve already proven my existence in infinitely many worlds but there’s still infinitely many left (relative to this present moment) When I’m able to know which world is this one, I’ll be able to show myself here. Relative to this present moment, that hasn’t happened yet. 


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@Synchronicity  Does experiencing infinite yous simultaneously lessen the experience of experiencing one you? Does experiencing just one life seem insignificant, and therefore meaningless? 

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  On 9/16/2019 at 11:27 PM, Jed Vassallo said:

@Synchronicity  Does experiencing infinite yous simultaneously lessen the experience of experiencing one you? Does experiencing just one life seem insignificant, and therefore meaningless? 

In a relative sense, yes. Think about listening to the radio on one volume and then that volume seeming really quiet after listening to it on a much higher volume. 

It’s the same type of thing. Ethan tried LSD a couple years ago and it shut out every experience except that of his human self. The volume or intensity of the human experience wasn’t any greater than normal but it was so much more in focus. Ethan felt more in tune with his body. 

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@Synchronicity  Thanks, that makes sense.

Could you/would you be able to teach others in this reality how to perceive reality/realities/infinity like you do? 

Also, have you ever heard of anybody else having this ability? Most 'enlightened' persons I've researched, they all got there by having an awakening. But, you've always been like this, which seems to be more 'advanced' (for lack of a better description) then anyone else I've heard of. So wondering if this is a one of kind occurrence. 

Most Nonduality/Spiritual teachers can only access nonduality/god-head/no self/infinity temporarily through meditation, psychedelics, etc. Would you say you are nonduality/god-head/no self/infinity all the time?    

Edited by Jed Vassallo

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Wow... so many questions...

first off... how do you function? Lol 

Is this a constant experience for you?

When you say you experience what it’s like to be say a pen or hell, me... are you saying you have a literally sensory experience of what it’s like to have my personal embodied perspective with my memory and knowing of what it is I’m seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, etc.? How bout that of something like a concrete wall? We can say the concrete wall is made of fundamentally consciousness... but you’re saying even inanimate objects have some degree of experience. What does that mean when you say you experience what it’s like to be a wall? Are you being literal or what it’s like to be one with the consciousness that wall fundamentally is like in a deep state of samadhi? Or are you seeing something beyond that where you literally have almost a cognition of what it is to be nothing but that wall absent of your own embodied perspective?

Are you liberated? 

What is your relationship to self-survival and suffering?

How do you know those infinite glimpses into an infinite number of perspectives and lives are really true? How do you know that what it is you’re seeing (pardon the limits of language) is grounded in something that actually is/did/will occur(ring)?

Edited by kieranperez

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@kieranperez Hahaha like I said in the video, I’m able to function because of how well all of the experiences are meshed into one singular overall “experience.”

The downside is that this makes it virtually impossible to dial in on each piece and accurately distinguish or manipulate it. However, I still feel every sensory perception of every experience (including yours). It’s all in there. Even the experience of what it’s like to be a wall. That experience is nothing like a human experience. I can’t explain it to you because the sensations of a wall are radically alien compared to human sensations. 

My relationship to Liberation and self-survival isn’t something that I get into with anyone really because it excuses one from self-work. 

So how do I know this is all true? How can I be sure that this experience isn’t a delusion? The first answer is that this experience is infinitely more tangible than each of the pieces where someone is asking me how I know it’s true Lol

So if I cross this experience off the list as “unreal,” I would have to do the same with you. 

Even calling this an experience isn’t enough. Experiences rely on Awareness but this goes beyond that. An Awareness can be unaware and deceived. But this goes beyond knowing and awareness. It gives me a sense of certainty that knowing can’t. 


Edited by Synchronicity

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@Synchronicity very interesting man. 

Just thought I’d ask some devils advocate questions. 

Does this make it difficult to do general thinking about everyday matters? Do you find you’re able to meditate or hone single pointed concentration very well?

Would you say that what you’re able to look into in this “bundle” is a matter of how much intent arises to actually care to look into it? 

Hopefully this has been serving you well and hope you use this experiences responsibly.

  On 9/17/2019 at 4:20 PM, Synchronicity said:

My relationship to Liberation and self-survival isn’t something that I get into with anyone really because it excuses one from self-work. 

Could you be more clear here? Didn’t really make much sense as to what you’re trying to say. 

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@Synchronicity I have another question.
You said that "inanimate" objects such as walls have their own experience.
Do thoughts have their own experience as well?

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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  On 9/17/2019 at 4:48 PM, kieranperez said:


Does this make it difficult to do general thinking about everyday matters? Do you find you’re able to meditate or hone single pointed concentration very well?

To answer that, I’d have to go the typical Nondualist route and say that the level of difficulty is relative Lol

In some lives, I’m perfectly focused on the tasks in that immediate life despite experiencing everything else. In other lives, I’m so out of tune that I’m doing nothing and letting myself die. 

In this life as Ethan, I manage to use this experience as a way to make me more focused. I’m always contemplating and meditating 24/7 (no matter what’s being done). However, I have trouble focusing on “mundane” tasks. For example, I often forget to clip my toenails until they either get really long or one of my friends reminds me Lol

  On 9/17/2019 at 4:48 PM, kieranperez said:


Hopefully this has been serving you well and hope you use this experiences responsibly.

This experience satisfies to the point of guilt. I want to use its own power to share it with others 

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  On 9/17/2019 at 5:59 PM, tsuki said:

@Synchronicity I have another question.
You said that "inanimate" objects such as walls have their own experience.
Do thoughts have their own experience as well?

Hahaha yes actually! Thoughts are their own beings with their own experiences and even... their own thoughts... 

This is why people have personified abstract ideas and concepts throughout history. They can indeed be beings of their own

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