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Does anybody else get a reversal of tension and relief during in/out breath?

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It is the weirdest thing, and my friends and therapist are baffled by it...I noticed one day when I was breathing out , that's when I get the tension and feeling like I'm holding my breath, and as I inhale..well that's when I get the relief ! Aside from that, exhaling seems to be much more stunted then inhaling, which I can do 2-3x as long ; it's like something is getting stuck on the exhale , and I'm having to forcefully pump all the extra air out when I get halfway down. Not cool. Not cool at all. Insights ? I'm gonna do my best to participate fully on this forum from now on. Not just try this work for a week and give up like I normally do! 

(When I take lsd , this problem is completely alleviated , and everything flows as it should. Which gives me hope)

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