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How interconnected are thoughts?

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If I’m thinking something negative about someone what is the likelihood that they are also thinking negatively about me? If I let go of my negative thoughts about someone else does this mean they also let go? I know many will answer in the absolute term I am them and they are me but I am talking in the relative sense. 


If I do loving kindness meditation and send out positive thoughts of wellbeing to someone what are the chances that these thoughts will actually make a difference to that person or is the general idea that by sending out loving warmth to another person it is giving more love to yourself. 

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On the surface level, you are the only one that perceives your thoughts, but the thoughts that you cultivate influence the behavior you manifest outwardly. I'd say that letting go of these negative thoughts is the precondition for healing a relationship, even if it is done by one person only. 
Very often, we act out and hurt each other simply because we're wrapped up in everyday matters and do not care to understand the behavior of other people. I'd say that the bulk of the work is not really about letting go, but about trying to get into the frame of mind of the other person and see how the offensive behavior made sense from that point of view. That often leads to release of your feelings of hurt and this release cannot be faked by ignoring negative thoughts.

As for prayer, or sending good vibes - I don't know.

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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Thoughts are malleable, they have no frame of reference in the bigger picture because emptiness or "pure love" has no reference itself. however, in dualistic and experiential terms it does i.e teachings and scriptures

What does this mean? 

it means that a single distinction, has to be a single connection between two points of references. IS and IS NOT, that is how we get experience. A thought can only be IS or IS NOT , it can not be IS and IS NOT. So now we actually have two reference points of thoughts, IS and IS NOT , to which we then say [ IS- IS or IS - IS NOT] and [ IS NOT - IS or IS NOT - IS NOT] which is suitable to be expressed in direct experience as [ IS - IS and IS - IS NOT ] AND [IS NOT- IS AND IS NOT  - IS NOT] confirming both points of reference are points of references and the distinction to BE a distinction which can be IS and IS not identically. because the points of references of thought was IS or IS NOT. these are when we use words, like real etc.. etc.. 

so thoughts are malleable as long as experience IS and IS NOT. it can have any frame of reference because all frames of reference of thoughts can be [Is- IS OR IS -IS NOT] and [ IS NOT - IS  or IS NOT - IS NOT] 

why is this true? 

because what i've said is [Is- IS OR IS -IS NOT] and [ IS NOT - IS  or IS NOT - IS NOT] , can be either true or false :) 

the moral of the story 

all thought is interconnected because all distinctions are interconnected 

why is this the case? 

because DISTINCTION [Is- IS OR IS -IS NOT] and [ IS NOT - IS  or IS NOT - IS NOT] 


and direct experience IS and IS NOT 

as well as NO direct experience IS and IS NOT  


and we come to the point that no pointer can ever point to what its pointing to explained in mathematics and English and logic LOLL

but you see, how do we say that this very message 

 IS and IS NOT in dualistic terms and not words 

and that's why Full enlightenment is a very rare thing, 


on top of not being able to point you to the pointer 

how does the pointer point to the pointer as THE pointer ? 



A very important lesson for everybody. :)  


So to directly answer your question 

"How interconnected are thoughts" --- ABSOLUTELY


The invisible paradox 

"Direct experience = is and is not ... Direct experience = [ ] "

Edited by Aakash

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