
Did God create devilry as a way out of infinite boredom ?

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Hey all,

Trying to visualize how it would be like to be God, this question (and its accompanying, very strong, existential anxiety) kept coming to my mind:

  • Wouldn't it be extremely boring to be everything, forever, and not have any other thing to interact with ?
    Like playing Chess on your own against yourself.
    Or, for the gamers out there, the feeling you've got when you finish a Civilization game, and your civilization covers the entire Earth, with no one to oppose you.
  • Didn't God create separateness/devilry to have some kind of cosmic game going on, kick-starting infinite creation ?
    Playing with itself by dividing itself into separate, selfish entities that can compete alone or in ever growing groups.
    Continuously expanding the game, pitting all infinitely numerous selfish entities against each other (aka Survival), maybe just, as horrendous as it sounds, to have ?

Does this make sense ?

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I think yes, God did exactly that.  And also there's the idea of 'best of all possible worlds'.
This world that we live in, of pure randomness, chance, which seems to lack any kind of plot or morality, is the most just, and least hellish world that God can possibly muster. Just shift this very delicate balance by a small inch, and you generate an incomprehensible amount of suffering
God is not completely powerful  and all knowing like a genie or something, he is like a huge amount of energy, and energy can neither be destroyed nor created but changes it's forms and that is what God is doing. That is why there is both pain and pleasure, birth and death, it's just energy moving from one form to other.

Edited by Ibn Sina

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
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unfortunately it only makes sense when it is empty or loving. 

 simply pick your poison. 


and actually no, its quite satisfying in a non-satisfying way. i would imagine, i mean look how happy the enlightened beings are ahaha, it must be really satisfying as they say its worth it themselves

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33 minutes ago, Ibn Sina said:

Just shift this very delicate balance by a small inch, and you generate an incomprehensible amount of suffering

I already see incomprehensible amount of suffering on the earth. It's too late.

Edited by CreamCat

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God is not bored, God is boredom, and all other dimensions of reality aswell.


Subjects are illusiory, there is nothing happening to anyone. There are simply happenings. It wouldn't make sense to say God was bored as much as it wouldn't make sense that you can be bored. Boredom simply exist, it does not belong to anyone or anything. God is the boredom itself, and also the excitement.

The Subject - Subjectivity duality doesn't work on humans and it surely doesn't work on Reality as a whole.


God is not A, God is not B, God is not C. Rather A, B and C are God. Replace God with the word Reality and you will cease having these confusions. Reality cannot be bored, however reality can be boredom. The whole thing about reality is that it is everything, or rather that everything is it.


And no, the reason of existence is pure Love.

Why Isness? Love.

What Isness? Infinity/Nothingness

How Isness? Infinite Intelligence/Creativity, Magic


That's how you could frame it. All of this exists from Love and as Love, not boredom. The "substance" of boredom is Love.

Edited by Scholar

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Not that you're wrong about the boredom thing, but God loved you so much that he gave you free will. That itself means that devilry must exist. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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  • I feel afraid of this actually being true
  • Can't god just make a solution to infinite boredom??? (That doesnt require devilry)
Edited by AlphaAbundance

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1 hour ago, CreamCat said:

I already see incomprehensible amount of suffering on the earth. It's too late

It's 0.001% of suffering that is possible if the world wasn't designed this way.

Suffering in the earth is like the size of the sun, but the sun is but a dot compared to Proxima centauri or Canis majoris.

It's like if God forcefully violated the second law of thermodynamics, like God deliberately tried to make heat travel from low to high temperature , which is not impossible but such a system requires too much work/energy/whatever and such a system is basically unstable.

The current world that we are living in is the best that God can do.

Edited by Ibn Sina

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
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1 hour ago, AlphaAbundance said:

Can't god just make a solution to infinite boredom??? (That doesnt require devilry)

There is none. God is not infinitely powerful. That is why he succumbs to devilry, and all he can do is devilry and if he somehow escapes the wonderful hallucinatory fireworks of devilry he will be in an existential crisis so either he will commit suicide (finding the meaningless of it all) or become an existentialist like Nietzche (looking into the abyss, finding one's own meaning (Ubermensch)) , Camus (Rebellion) , Kierkegaard (finding solace in God). That is the consequence of the void that is created.
And the only thing that God can do to avoid the above fates mentioned is to awaken to this void, and realize that he himself is the void.

God is but a bubble of energy in a realm of infinite Gods.

Edited by Ibn Sina

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
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35 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@mandyjw Devil woman. 

 Dance with the one who brung ya. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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2 minutes ago, Ibn Sina said:

There is none. God is not infinitely powerful. That is why he succumbs to devilry, and all he can do is devilry and if he somehow escapes the wonderful hallucinatory fireworks of devilry he will be in an existential crisis so either he will commit suicide (finding the meaningless of it all) or become an existentialist like Nietzche (looking into the abyss, finding one's own meaning (Ubermensch)) , Camus (Rebellion) , Kierkegaard (finding solace in God)

What God are you talking about, it's like he is a depressed Santa Clause to you xD

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22 minutes ago, Ibn Sina said:

The current world that we are living in is the best that God can do.

The lesson we can learn from personal development is that you are perfect, but you can do better.

Perfection is not a fixed state. It is ceaseless improvement.

The best can still be improved.

Edited by CreamCat

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Just now, CreamCat said:

The lesson we can learn from personal development is that you are perfect, but you can do better

Personal development is for humans. Humans can improve  if they decide to make the right decisions.

God is energy. What I am talking about is the consequences of conservation of energy. It cannot be 'improved' or 'increased' but changes it's forms. 

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
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14 minutes ago, Scholar said:

What God are you talking about, it's like he is a depressed Santa Clause to you

That is not what I am saying. You have not understood. God is neither depressed nor happy but just is.

It is we humans, or animals, or smaller forms/parts to whom labels of happiness/depression can be assigned because we are concerned with self preservation (due to God's devilry), but God is only concerned about 'Godding'/doing what he does, he has nothing to worry about because he is nothing and there is nothing to worry about.


Edited by Ibn Sina

"Whatever you do or dream you can begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. "   - Goethe
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10 minutes ago, CreamCat said:

The lesson we can learn from personal development is that you are perfect, but you can do better.

Perfection is not a fixed state. It is ceaseless improvement.

The best can still be improved.

I have read the bible from the church of nahm, 

it says : 

" movement ? perfection ? person development ? better ? WHAT ?" 

(section 1.24 of chapter 5 -  nahm and the golden dragon) 


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