
On The Road To Recovery

2 posts in this topic

Hello everyone, 

I made a post not too long ago takling about my cancer diagnosis. 

I've had the cancer removed. So, now I no longer have a thyroid or cancer. I will still have to get some treatment to make sure it is all gone. 

I just wanted to briefly talk about how this has changed me. 

Early this year I had some intense awakenings into infinite love and goodness and for a while, I did not know how to integrate them or what they really meant. 

Now I feel that I have integrated them. I love on a deeper level but more maturely and grounded. Also, any inhibition for artistic expression has been expunged. I am currently working on an album for a music project called "Infinite Headed Hydra" and I've never felt more free in my life. 

  Every day while I was in the hopsitial I felt nothing but gratitude and love. I thanked the cancer every day. This in fact has been the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. 

I am happy the divine did not hold out on me. I am strong enough to know pleasure and pain. 

It's beyond belief but I feel healed and nurtured by love and goodness always. In my deepest pain, it is there, in my deepest sorrow it is there, in my deepest burning hell it is there. 

I've come face to face with God and it's nothing but infinite transcendent beauty. 

Now I'm back in college and I'm ready to finish out this year. Yes, I've realized many great things and no I don't have all of my life figured out. There is still much to be learned but I'm so happy to have found Truth, Love, and Goodness. 

So, once again thank you so much Leo. But also just thank you to everyone and everything. You are truly all gifts. 

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Wow thats amazing !havent read something like this in long time ?

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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