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I've had the thought to get rid of stuff a few times during the course of my self actualization journey. I have picked up a little minimalism things here and there. 

During two meditation sessions I thought of how some of these items are being a burden to me. I have mental labor at the thought of installing them, fixing them, or using them. So I think I am actually going to commit to selling more of my stuff that I had some attachment too. 

I've hit a few of these experiences even before doing this work. But I kind of want to try a bit less stuff and use the money to better myself or business. I've been distracting myself with random things lately too material wise. So might just be better to remove them. 

What's your experience with possessions and what not? I might eventually try trailer living and cut back quite a bit once I own my own property and see how I like it. 

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