
how to develop a positive attitude?

5 posts in this topic

how can i do it?

Edited by theking00

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Ellie Katz said "The world is your playground. Why aren't you playing?"

Your life is your own personal storybook you're writing in real time. It's an infinite adventure.

Write the story you want to write most, the one you're most proud of, the one that will make you happiest.

We're all on Earth for a limited time. So why not have fun? Why not try new things?

Why not play? :)

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Think about this as a negative habit. The less you do it, the less you will do it (duh).

Start meditating and observing your mind. Catch yourself when you are being negative. Also create some healthy habits:

- Exercise every day for 30 minutes
- Meditate
- Visualize
- Journal
- Read
- Do Art

Hope this helps!

My YouTube Channel:


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