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A question about 'Radical Implications Of Oneness' video

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Just saw that vid and I have a question.

Open question for everyone of course and Leo if you will have time i would love.

The question is - what is the meaning of non dual in this video.

If non dual means that in X^Y years i will be the exact oppressor from 1817 or the exact oppressed man from 1900 etc. I cannot agree with that cause the story has gone. The same situation with same physical body of all the characters won't repeat itself. It can be that I will have similar characters but the story will be something else.

BUT, if what Leo meant is that right now, in my sub-conscious brain or mind, I have all the emotional spectrum running right now in my system (which is infinite) but the ego shows me only one every time and only the one that support his survivle agenda - thats makes sense to me.

For example I grasp myself liberal but sub-consciousely i am conservative too - cause everything is going full cycle as meditation insights shows me - but the ego is hiding it from me.

What do you think?


Edited by Nivsch

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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