Cesar Alba

Art In Oposition To Enlightenment?

6 posts in this topic

Hey there, this is the thing.

Ive been practicing every day non identification with thoughts (when I notice the thoughts) and also, flatering the ilusion, but, at the moment of, for example, when im writing poetry it seems like i need to distort reality, build images around the words to take readers to the Level of imagination I try to explain in the words, When im playng a roll in my Theatre class, i need to enter into a fiction whole new world and believe it, when im singing songs most of the lirycs talk about a very low conscience kind of löve and way of looking reality, its seems like Art is nothing else but a trap for me in my Enlightenment journey, and i would leave all that if thats the price, but, is it?

Is Art one of the bigest feature of the ego? Or can I use art as an impulse for my purpose?...

Edited by Cesar Alba
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What is true art really? I'd argue it's an expression of being. Everything is an expression of 'being' really, except it can be heavily distorted by ego. You don't need ego to create art. The ego can't do or create anything,  the ego is a creation in itself, not a creator. Creation comes out of the void, or nothingness.

Doing art or not doing art. It doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things toward enlightenment because it's not the do-er that becomes enlightened. What you might try is to bring more spontaneity into your art in stead of trying to plot everything. 

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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30 minutes ago, Cesar Alba said:

Hey there, this is the thing.

Ive been practicing every day non identification with thoughts (when I notice the thoughts) and also, flatering the ilusion, but, at the moment of, for example, when im writing poetry it seems like i need to distort reality, build images around the words to take readers to the Level of imagination I try to explain in the words, When im playng a roll in my Theatre class, i need to enter into a fiction whole new world and believe it, when im singing songs most of the lirycs talk about a very low conscience kind of löve and way of looking reality, its seems like Art is nothing else but a trap for me in my Enlightenment journey, and i would leave all that if thats the price, but, is it?

Is Art one of the bigest feature of the ego? Or can I use art as an impulse for my purpose?...

An enlightened person is a chameleon of sorts. They are empty so they could take on any form without attachment.

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@Cesar Alba Common mate, art is one of the eternal big three! 

There is the Good, the True and the Beautiful!! Together they are one....

Your art is your expression. Be it your subconscious, your ego or your trans-personal insights!

Art can go all the way, go for it! 9_9

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5 hours ago, piotr said:


I came to this thread, and didn't expect to see my face. It's always jarring to see your own face when you don't expect it. Haha. Thanks for sharing my video! :)

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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6 hours ago, Cesar Alba said:

Hey there, this is the thing.

Ive been practicing every day non identification with thoughts (when I notice the thoughts) and also, flatering the ilusion, but, at the moment of, for example, when im writing poetry it seems like i need to distort reality, build images around the words to take readers to the Level of imagination I try to explain in the words, When im playng a roll in my Theatre class, i need to enter into a fiction whole new world and believe it, when im singing songs most of the lirycs talk about a very low conscience kind of löve and way of looking reality, its seems like Art is nothing else but a trap for me in my Enlightenment journey, and i would leave all that if thats the price, but, is it?

Is Art one of the bigest feature of the ego? Or can I use art as an impulse for my purpose?...

Well, you could say that you create the ego in the same way that you create a work of art. You make conscious and unconscious decisions and end up with a seemingly solid creation that has a particular tone and attributes to it that yourself and others attribute a certain meaning to. However, I don't recommend trying to suppress your ego's drive to create a separate sense of self. This was always disastrous when I tried to do this because resistance of any kind goes in the opposite direction of enlightenment. Instead, watch the ego as it spins the self concept with full acceptance of this drive and full knowledge of its falseness. Watch the ego, don't suppress it. On the same ticket, continue to create art but never mistake it for yourself. Don't add "artist" to your self concept. Usually, the latter is more obvious though and you don't have to worry as much about conflating yourself with your art. It happens sometimes though. But in creating ego or art always be mindful.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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