
Does meditating more hours yield more enlightenment?

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I heard a koan/saying that said "if you meditate for 2 hours a day you will achieve enlightenment in 20 years, if you meditate 4 hours a day you will achieve enlightenment in 40 years"


Then I see Leo say meditation retreats, i.e. meditating for 8 hours a day for a month, is necessary. 


If you were dying for the truth, and you had the financial freedom to meditate non stop everyday, would you do it? 

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Speaking from my Experience. It took about 4 years for full awakening. Meditating everyday. Never skipped a Day. 

No retreats, no psychedelics. Just old fashioned Zen. 

Live your life, hour of Meditation is enough. 

You Can always speed up the process. Up to you. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Yeah I'm doing an hour a day and I'm seeing myself die quite quickly. I've only been practising for a year. I was really good at doing an hour every single day for the first 6 months, now it's getting harder but I'm getting more and more motivated.

That koan seems a bit strange. Meditating for long periods of time in single sits is like intensity training...with exponential results. 

If you meditate for one hour a day for two days, you'll grow less than if you were to do a 2 hour sit in one day. Exponential. Momentum. 


If I had 100% financial freedom I would buy so many phycs and go to all kinds of wise teachers. However, I am stuck with myself...but that's all I need now ;)

10 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Speaking from my Experience. It took about 4 years for full awakening. Meditating everyday. Never skipped a Day. 

No retreats, no psychedelics. Just old fashioned Zen. 

Live your life, hour of Meditation is enough. 

@zeroISinfinity thats pretty comforting to hear. I'm scared of the idea of not becoming enlightened. 

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I highly recommend something like ket or cocaine (just a little tiny bit) for a one time thing every now and again if your trying to sit for more than 2 hours. 

Just please do not take these substances without being very confident in their purity and don't take them lots, just for a one time thing...I'm gonna be using mdma for sitting for 3 days straight. Street coke is shite tho man, in northern Ireland the "peelers" (what we call the police) released a Facebook post saying how they seized a bunch of coke and tested it with a result of 97% impure. Like, seriously if your gonna take my advice here just make sure it's good stuff. 

Edited by Aaron p

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Its the quality, not the quantity that matters and @Aaron p Please dont use MDMA for 3 days straight.. just smoke some herb on the next 2 days its much better and the high gives you the chemical nourishment you need to negate any negative effects of mdma at the same time giving you the closing chapter experiences to finalize your mdma trip. Be careful dude, I've been there, its not worth it.



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@Aaron p I don't want to hijack this, but I think advising a 'little bit' of cocaine (what I classify as a hard drug) is very dangerous. Heed this warning and stay well away from hard drugs.

Back to the topic at hand, I think the koan/saying is referring to 'efforting' your way to enlightenment, instead of 'letting go'. If you become very egoic in your pursuit of enlightenment, it will take you twice as long. 

Edited by Knock

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@zeroISinfinity yeah but there is much much much more than enlightenment. 

why dont You speed up the process to the max? What's stopping you?

Are you (or You) ok with not speeding up the process? Do you feel guilty for not using your time as optimally as possible, for not unleashing your full potential, for wasting time by not putting in your best effort?

Why aren't you positioning your life in a way where its entirely dedicated to understanding God in the deepest levels? Why aren't you putting in strategies for financial freedom(like investing in the stocks or making a startup) so that you can meditate all day? Why aren't you quitting your job and dedicating your whole life to an ashram? Is it all just fear and unconsciousness or is there more to it?

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Entire Spiritual growth is apparent and highly needed(don't BS yourself).Truth is always PRESENT. It's eternal. 

Reality doesn't work the way You currently think it does. 

Effortless creation. 

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The most effective meditation is when you trick yourself into doing it. Feeling grateful for something without having thoughts and just feeling the vague feeling of gratitude.  Noticing how beautiful the ice looks in a glass of water. Appreciating nature, appreciating people even if they are strangers on the street. 

A practice builds the muscle but gets in the way because we "think" it's a practice and we "think" there's time involved. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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1 hour ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Entire Spiritual growth is apparent and highly needed(don't BS yourself).Truth is always PRESENT. It's eternal. 

Reality doesn't work the way You currently think it does. 

Effortless creation. 

what? What am I BS myself about? How does reality work then? What is entire spiritual growth? How do you do entire spiritual growth without meditating all day?


31 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

The most effective meditation is when you trick yourself into doing it. Feeling grateful for something without having thoughts and just feeling the vague feeling of gratitude.  Noticing how beautiful the ice looks in a glass of water. Appreciating nature, appreciating people even if they are strangers on the street. 

A practice builds the muscle but gets in the way because we "think" it's a practice and we "think" there's time involved. 

But why would Allah and the Buddha go meditate in a cave then? Why do gurus disappear into the Himalayas? In my experience the strength of that vague feeling of gratitude is proportional to the amount of sincere meditation that is done during or before the noticing/being. Are you saying there is no need to increase the amount of sincere meditation? I don't get it. 

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Meditate as much as you like. Then be mindful as much as you can when you dont. I think that mindful part is the most important, if youre on the cushion 4 hrs a day but then have temper tantrums towards your kids then what good has all your meditating done? 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@electroBeam What I'm saying is more like "meditate without ceasing". By that I mean while going about doing everything you are meditating. It's easier to do this while we are sitting with eyes closed, and aren't distracted with movement and life. That's why it's such a powerful practice to build that "skill". But if you don't eventually introduce challenge or you want to eventually do things in the world that assist others you're going to be crippled if you don't practice presence "under fire" so to speak. There's two sort of paths or points of view that must come together in the space of no mind, an appreciation of form and existence and a renunciation of it. 


My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Quantity and quality is another duality. Both are important. Find your own balance. 

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@electroBeam Just saying, Do the work. You already are enlightened so to speak. This where I say don't BS yourself into "oh Yeah I do not have to meditate". Yes You do. 

This Spiritual stuff is plain and simple and at same time difficult nuanced and complicated. It really is amazing and beautifull. 

What Reality really is and "It's mechanics" Will blow your mind. 

Nothing is as it is appears to be. 

Donkey apocalypse first and foremost. 

For now know that you've been loved and guided. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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3 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Speaking from my Experience. It took about 4 years for full awakening. Meditating everyday. Never skipped a Day. 

No retreats, no psychedelics. Just old fashioned Zen. 

Live your life, hour of Meditation is enough. 

You Can always speed up the process. Up to you. 

What kind of excercizes you do?

🏔 Spiral dynamics can be limited, or it can be unlimited if one's development is constantly reflected in its interpretation.


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3 hours ago, Aaron p said:

I highly recommend something like ket or cocaine (just a little tiny bit) for a one time thing every now and again if your trying to sit for more than 2 hours. 

Just please do not take these substances without being very confident in their purity and don't take them lots, just for a one time thing...I'm gonna be using mdma for sitting for 3 days straight. Street coke is shite tho man, in northern Ireland the "peelers" (what we call the police) released a Facebook post saying how they seized a bunch of coke and tested it with a result of 97% impure. Like, seriously if your gonna take my advice here just make sure it's good stuff. 

Wow just wow. I feel this forum is going a bit downhill sometimes. 

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4 hours ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Speaking from my Experience. It took about 4 years for full awakening. Meditating everyday. Never skipped a Day. 

No retreats, no psychedelics. Just old fashioned Zen. 

Do you still meditate?

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@tsuki Yes. Will keep Meditation practise until my apparent death as this idea. 

@Jkris You have so many ressources avaible. Figure out What works for You. I think You have in @Nahm's signiture thread where he posted morning routine. Check That out. It is masterfully written and explained.

Listen to your heart and What feels authentic to you. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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