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Are other people conscious?

2 posts in this topic

I know this has been asked a thousand times but bare with me.

  • Even if "people" isn't the proper term, does my grandmother downstairs even exist? Is she having a consciousness experience like the one I experience right now. If so how do I know?
  • If not why is harming "others" for benefit "bad", low consciousness, or "inmoral" or frowned upon? (You know what I fucking mean)
  • Also how do I know any of you who reply even exist or have a consciousness experience or localized awareness (what does this even mean) type experience?

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You're literally asking:

Is there an objective world outside subjective experience, which has other subjective experiences?

Is reality objective or subjective?

The Truth is "it's both, neither and much more. Beyond the duality."

I like to think of it this way:

There is air and there are two bubbles filled with air. The air inside the bubbles and the outside is the same air. When bubbles pop, there is no inside/outside the bubble. Only air.

Edited by Pouya

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