
Who controls your thoughts? Who owns the thoughts?

10 posts in this topic

@AlphaAbundance what are the contents of your thoughts? 

when you've found a pattern realize 

what assumptions do i have about my world beliefs that form these thoughts ?

your thoughts are a complex of your internal conditions. 

I think you should really read a good book about non-duality :)  

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@Aakash @Aakash Any suggestions for the best nonduality/enlightement books? Best beginner books? Best fundamental books? Like how "How to influence people dale carnegie" is key for social skills

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@AlphaAbundance i think if i had read  peter ralstons book of not knowing at the begginning of my journey. It would have been the most beneficially.


Edited by Aakash

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Thoughts are like a program...

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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I'm not sure if you can control your thoughts, but I'm very sure that you receive most of your thoughts through the morphogenetic field. You are like a radio which receives thoughts, just tune to the right station and you'll only have positve thoughts.

Edit: The moment I wrote this comment I had a thought about my mum, a few seconds later she called me. Question: Did I control this? 

Edited by Billy Shears

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.

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19 hours ago, AlphaAbundance said:

Who controls your thoughts? Who owns the thoughts?

Thought itself projects the notion there's a thought-controller/owner, but doesn't realize it has done so.  It's the self-deceptive and sneaky nature of thought.

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Thought does not exist. Thought,or thoughts, are an illusory appearance that comes and go's. The thought "I" or" I-thought" that precedes all other thoughts, also does not exist and is an illusory appearance that comes and go's. No thoughts,no controller,no owner, exists.
All but a dream. Wake up and realize this seemingly existent  dream, is just a dream, appearing  to have existence.
What exists,what IS, that which has no shape or form,and never comes and go's,always,always IS.
And ,since it always IS,  it is always and immediately here... Now.

These words are only an appearance,appearing in the dream,and do not exist :S

Edited by Guru Fat Bastard

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