Michael Paul

Who were you before your parents conceived you?

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Sat-chit-ananda. Being-Consciousness-Bliss. The Self. 

I’ve realized that at least one aspect of Enlightenment requires the Self-realization of the pre-birth (pre-life) existence of which we are all One. When your third eye opens, you see the Self in all of its glory. It truly is remarkable to know Yourself as the Divine Nature. It is the Light.

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Theres absolutely nothing there. I was absolutely nothing. So absolutely that I have no memory of it. Because I cant remember nothing. 


Dont look at me! Look inside!

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I was what was, I am what is, I will be what will be.

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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10 hours ago, Michael Paul said:

Sat-chit-ananda. Being-Consciousness-Bliss. The Self. 

I’ve realized that at least one aspect of Enlightenment requires the Self-realization of the pre-birth (pre-life) existence of which we are all One. When your third eye opens, you see the Self in all of its glory. It truly is remarkable to know Yourself as the Divine Nature. It is the Light.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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10 hours ago, Rilles said:

Theres absolutely nothing there. I was absolutely nothing. So absolutely that I have no memory of it. Because I cant remember nothing. 

Is that true in your direct experience?

One day I was floating in a sensory-deprivation tank and went to a "place" before I was born. Everything after birth was absent. No images, words, objects, thoughts etc. All that stuff came after birth. One would think there would be nothing. Yet that wasn't quite true. There was a something.

"Remembering" is a tricky thing. I used to think remembering was memories in the form of thoughts and images. Then other forms of remembering/memories were revealed. Muscle memories. Intuitive memories. Empathic memories. All non-verbal, non-image. Post-intellectual.

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6 minutes ago, Serotoninluv said:

Is that true in your direct experience?

One day I was floating in a sensory-deprivation tank and went to a "place" before I was born. Everything after birth was absent. No images, words, objects, thoughts etc. All that stuff came after birth. One would think there would be nothing. Yet that wasn't quite true. There was a something.

"Remembering" is a tricky thing. I used to think remembering was memories in the form of thoughts and images. Then other forms of remembering/memories were revealed. Muscle memories. Intuitive memories. Empathic memories. All non-verbal, non-image. Post-intellectual.

I didn't know sensory deprivation tank experiences could induce mystical states like that. 

I'd think it can give you some samadhi experience where there's only awareness left, but that's something else lol

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21 minutes ago, JonasVE12 said:

I didn't know sensory deprivation tank experiences could induce mystical states like that. 

Depends on the person. They resonate. I also took a small amount of cannabis edible, which nudges up my resonance. It was a deep mystical state. 

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This is a good question to contemplate on. You may even get a sparkle of True:)

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