
adopting the skill of Letting Go

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Until the recent episode I never realized how easy it can be to drop counterproductive thoughts and habits but simply "Letting Go". Been pealing that emotional burden one thought at a time for past 2 weeks and just wanted to say Thank You @Leo Gura this episode has been a huge gamechanger!!

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Same for me, really powerful and useful


Also Leo talks in the episode about being careful of the trap of going in an over-tryhard approach of this, I can definitly see the danger of it and see myself naturly prone to that

On the other hand though, it's just so damn effective and powerful that I actually want to go deeper on this technique and increase the volume of using it daily, so let's say instead of trying to let go a few times in the day, I want to do it more like 30 times


What do you think about it ? (Leo or Michael or anybody else that want to share his view in it)

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@Michael569  Same here. Simple, useful and powerful. Been using it constantly for all sorts of things.

It seems like a thing that will snowball enormously over time if utilized constantly.

Edited by Yog

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8 hours ago, Jordan94 said:

Also Leo talks in the episode about being careful of the trap of going in an over-tryhard approach of this, I can definitly see the danger of it and see myself naturly prone to that

I'd say the opposit is likely to be issue especially during the time of the day I spend on autpilot. But it can definitely become a neurosis. 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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On 10/09/2019 at 11:22 AM, Michael569 said:

@Charlotte Cheers Charlotte! Hope you are keeping well! :)

I am Michael thanks very much ? hope you're too ❤️

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13 hours ago, Jordan94 said:

Also Leo talks in the episode about being careful of the trap of going in an over-tryhard approach of this, I can definitly see the danger of it and see myself naturly prone to that

Yes, "letting go" can definitely become a mode of suppression. I remember reading "Letting Go" by David R. Hawkins a couple of years ago and enthusiastically thinking to myself "this is it!" It seemed promising at first, but unfortunately it just become another tool for my neuroses. It greatly exasperated the inner conflict I had towards my own emotions. I've seen this in others too, to whom I recommended that book. So I know it's common.

I used it as a way of getting rid stuff, which is a huge trap. The key is really to become at ease with what is, and not try to eliminate parts of your experience. In my view, letting go is not really something one attempts to do (because why would you want to do that), it is something that just spontaneously happens upon seeing things more clearly.

Nothing beats consciousness. Unconscious people will use this technique in unconscious ways. And if you're conscious, I'd argue this technique is pretty redundant.

If the technique evokes a sense of liberation and freedom, I'd say you're good. If it makes you feel restricted and contracted you should probably find something better to do.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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