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Trip report - MDMA

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This weekend I went to a festival, and I had my most intense experience on MDMA until now.
Dosage was not so much, but I think it was close to pure MDMA. Clear, big crystals.

Dosage: 2 tips of the pinky finger initially, then one dip more three hours later.

Overall experience: good


Goa festival, in the middle of a forest, full of beautiful lights, beautiful decor.
(See pictures)



The start: Intense beginning
It took a while to kick in, but once it kicked in, I entered a different dimension..

Suddenly, I felt the urge, like a calling, to start chanting "ommmm" at a low frequency.
My whole body could feel it. It's very strange, because I never did chanting meditation, and I didn't know why I was doing it, but I just had to.

With this, everything starting vibrating very slightly, my body, the surroundings, everything was in tune with the "Ommm", like every life was vibrating at that frequency. It was very powerful. It could feel it everywhere.
Right after I starting chanting, I saw forest nymphs everywhere, taking care of the forest. Jumping from tree to tree, making sure the forest was healthy and blooming.

Suddenly, this second voice started talking in my head, talking about the elves. The voice started talking about one of my friends who was joining the festival with me. She has a very charismatic, open, intriguing aura around her. The voice was explaining to me that she was part of the nymphs and that she was their "mother", so to speak. She was basically "leading" the nymphs, and helping them to take care of the forest.

At that point I didn't really question anything, I just experienced what was happening and didn't resist anything of it. I just let it all come to me. At that point, it all made sense, and it was as if it was nothing but the truth.

Right now, of course looking back, it was kind of weird. It looks like I was losing my sense of reality? The disturbing thing was that I actually believed everything the voice said was true and I could just feel that it was the truth for some reason..?

Chaotic episode
After this, a more chaotic episode arised. I ran away from my friends (which I always do when I take MDMA). It's like suddenly, I lose interest in my friends, because I have the feeling that I already "know" them. At that point, I want to get to know and "feel" as many people as possible that catch my interest.

I was looking around for people who caught my interest. It could be anything.. Eyes, hair, a hat, shirt, their energy, their smile, their look,...
I was full of love and hugged and talked with so many people.

Can't explain a lot here.. Just a lot of love, a lot of hugs, and a lot of (mostly) nice talks.
This episode was blurry though. I remember some intense hugs, even kissing, and talking. But it was all out of love.

Coming down
This was the last episode. I was sitting at the bon fire, and had some really nice conversations with beautiful people.
Hugging a lot still, and just feeling pure love and connection. Even talked to a guy about God, connection, unity,... Very deep and interesting convo. 
I sat there for around 2 hours just feeling so good, so warm, so peaceful, with beautiful people.

That was it guys! Insights would be nice, certainly about the first part..











Edited by Tistepiste

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Thank you for the report, was an interesting read :) What kind of festival was this? Psytrance?

Now looking back, what do you actually  think was that  "2nd voice" in your head?

Edited by whoareyou

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@whoareyou Not sure.. it was as if I was getting a lecture, a narrator. The voice was coming from inside me. It was kind of as if something took control of my inner voice. It was almost as if I was talking to myself. The voice could easily be me but I didn't have control over what I was saying to myself.

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Beautiful! My first MDMA experience was at a concert of one of my favourite artists with one of my best friends and it was a truly incredible experience, showed me the power of love, empathy and authenticity and the freedom that comes with that which was shown narrated in the lyrics of the song. Brought all the pieces of my previous psychedelic experiences together into a fully holistic understanding

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@pluto I'm happy my post triggered some self reflection!

What a beautiful yet very complex relationship you've had.

You've probably learned a ton from it which was maybe the real reason and purpose of the relationship!

You obviously grew a lot since then which is something beautiful.



Edited by Tistepiste

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  On 9/10/2019 at 4:19 PM, Tistepiste said:

@pluto I'm happy my post triggered some self reflection!

What a beautiful yet very complex relationship you've had.

You've probably learned a ton from it which was maybe the real reason and purpose of the relationship!

You obviously grew a lot since then which is something beautiful.



Indeed. Relationships are to make us Conscious. Sadly most people mistaken them for Happiness.

Infinite Love!


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I l love md, ket is another one that I like. I find very little anxiety with them and I am connected to God when I'm on them. It's just a pity they are dangerous and addictive. 

Everything in moderation. I'm getting a Q if MD today for£90 not bad

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Have you had MDMA before where you dosed with a scale? 

Your dipping technique could lead to overdosing/rly bad comedown if you dont know how much one dip of a finger approximatly is in mg. And did you test your substance? 

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