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there are probably many answers to what love is and what not. or if love is really everything or not. the question about what is the right or what is the wrong perspective to it is always limited to the limits of our imagination. if we can imagine love to be brutal, then maybe we also can imagine that the most brutal act in life is birth. in our softwashed brains we sometimes overlook that most of our freedom and the beauty of it was built upon a generation who tried to go against this brutality, they created soft birth and went with flowers against arms, they created everything that came before the world went into illusion again, after the brutality of the second world war. this struck me so deep after watching this video, it`s an addition to the second video on what is love - it`s the maximization of a generation who will soon be gone in a not so far future. the same as it was a relieve when the last nazi died, the same it will strike us when they`ll be gone, if we don`t listen very carefully what they had to say to us - they where disillusioned until the point where they created a better world, we are maybe about to loose if we don`t get our soft hearts together and learn from it.

post what you can get on it let`s maximize love - don`t only watch this but also find out what this generation was about - spirituality is not only about the fruits but also about the flower that was prior to it. its nostalgia before it will be gone, apreciate the now.


Edited by remember

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Always wanted to know what the flower of life is, have tried to figure it out but any article would just pass me by, can you @remember write about it shortly as a comment? 

Edited by Wlangr

   "The Universe is Mental--held in the Mind of THE ALL."

--The Kybalion.

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Hi i want to answer what the flower of life is.

This symbol called the “Flower of Life” or “life’s flower”
consists of 19 overlapping and interconnected circles. It always consists of 19 circles – no more and no less.

The Flower of Life originates in one circle and all other circles are built up around that. That means you begin by
drawing one circle and then continue drawing all the other circles around it. More answers you find here on this website:


Blume des Lebens_orange_Keilrahmenbild_Frontalbild_Art-145_2.jpg

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@Wlangr  what is gods grand plan? the grand design? to be initiated in that mystery of the great plan that`s what people seek to find out since centuries - in some sense the flower of life can`t be described that easily as there can`t be a word to describe it, there is a symbol though, like the taiji, it is described in form of holy geometry. it also is not it but it can be a gate opener as it vibrates in a certain frequency.

Edited by remember

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The Flower of Life is a geometrical figure that illustrates the sixfold symmetry of the Form aspect of Duality.   I facilitated workshops on the Flower of Life in the mid-90's after attending three myself.  

There is much geometry in Flower of Life workshop,...just as there is much ecstatic dancing in Gabrielle Roth's 5Rhythms.

"You didn’t really think this was about dancing, did you?"  Gabrielle Roth

“Geometry is not true, it is advantageous” - Henri Poincare.

The mysticism of the Flower of Life is a deep rabbit hole, where the way out is as difficult as emancipation from patriarchy itself.  Mysticism always implies a patrifocal identification.  

The Flower of Life is about 6.  

"If you only knew the significance of three, six and nine, then You would have a key to the Universe"  Nikola Tesla

Tesla didn't say "six" alone,...but three, six, and nine,...the significance of which shows how spectra condenses into Form, and expands back to spectra.

A huge part of understanding this is through an awareness of Who's Who in Duality,...which is quite upsetting for ego and patriarchal constructs.  

The Flower of Life isn't everything,...just everything that is samsara.

"The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle" - V Panetta

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Sacred Geometry had great potential in the mid-90's,...and then there was a falling-out of sorts among Flower of Life aficionado's.  Not the Dan Winter drama,...but the "sending Love," drama.

In the 90's there were some studies on the geometry of Sending Love,...especially that of projecting love to others without their consent.

Bob Dratch argued that "true service is the spontaneous outflow of a loving heart and an intelligent mind; which is produced by the inevitable INFLOW (not SENDING), of spiritual force and NOT by strenuous physical plane activity (doing a "something" for instance)..." the Master INFLOWS,...Pushing or sending is invading the space of another."  

Dratch said,  "Link a planet up by telling innocent people to SEND LOVE (or ANY SENDING ACTION), or any other way where the resultant action is to "create an effect" in others by having others who are aware and those who are NOT AWARE of what is going on receive the SENDING action, is to open us globally up for a fall. AND we are seeing that globally. God help the innocents that were subjected to this violation of spiritual law!"

It may have been Dan Winter who injected "I don't know if this negativity (sending love) can be stopped, I am very disappointed that these people who purport to us that they have a RIGHT to do this. The negative effect is not stopping, or diminishing, it is growing, and it is not the LIGHT that is growing, but another way for expressing a wave of death."

These comments infuriated many,...predominately Green's (SD 6).  

Many people believe it OK to "send love"...or prayers of love,...and in their ignorance they have the best intentions. However, from love's point of view, such an undertaking is not only fully irresponsible, but impossible.  Some at the time were calling it a psychic rape,...a violation of another with one's own personal desires,...a forced intrusion of one's idea of love upon another.  You cannot send an Unconditional, as if it was one of your conditions to send..

"as long as love is a commodity to be given or received or even shared, as we like to say in spiritual circles,..."to share the love," can't share love, is unshareable,'s whole, it's indivisible.  So as long as love is a commodity, to be given or received, then it is not real love,'s the dream of love, the fantasy of love,...and there is no real fulfillment in that."  Amoda Maa Jeevan

But,...many are indoctrinated with the idea that love can be sent,...and their paradigm states that it is a kindness to do so.  Those who never had or have  let go of such beliefs, understood that "Sending" implies that the Sender thinks Love is lacking. Those who imagine they send love, are denying love.

Compassion is a key to understanding love,...yet what Easterners call real compassion (Karuṇā), is inaccessible for First-tier thinkers.  An authentic compassionate person would never attempt to "send love or hope."  In fact, any intention to "send love or hope" is a clear indication that compassion is void in the sender.  

"The realization of emptiness and compassion arise simultaneously." Padmasambhava

So Drunvalo argued for the Sender's, and other's for not Sending, and the high potential of the Sacred Geometry movement faded,...with First-tier Green's (SD 6) controlling the dialogue to fit their paradigms, thus denying expanded understanding of the Flower of Life.   


"The Feminine of Duality is not a gender of Form, but the Wave of a Particle" - V Panetta

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