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Hatha Yoga - How to Progress?

5 posts in this topic

Hey there,

I am trying to get into Hatha Yoga but i can't seem to find good resources. 

I am looking for a progressive guideline, that leads you from the basic poses to the advanced. Most of the books/courses give you just some poses without any structure behind it. It's like "here are 50 Asanas now do them as you please"

I want to build my own routine, so if you could help me out i would be very grateful. 

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I recently became a Hatha Yoga Teacher, i started with my path on Hatha Yoga recently but i think i progressed a lot in a short amount of time and as far as i know, the best form to learn is:

1. To take an intense Hatha Yoga Course, you will learn a lot more than if you take a simple class, they will direct you with the basics, and you will go from there.

2. Take personal classes. It is important because in a group, usually, the teacher will lower the standard of the class due if one student is having trouble following the class. Most people are not serious or trying to get enlightened, the teacher does not give all they got into the class. One-on-One is different, you can say that you want to take it seriously, ask for guidance and for them to take you far from your comfort zone. 

3. Take classes, it is great to practice with others and a teacher in person.

4. Take online classes, not the BEST way but you can find good classes on YouTube.

5. Read from books. This is the last one not because it is useless, in fact you have to study books all the time but if you are trying to start from them you can easily feel overwhelmed and unmotivated, it is easy to make stupid mistakes and not know about it.


And last but not least: Practice, practice, practice. You will only really learn by doing it, observe your body, and you will get insights about the practice that will take it to the next level, and the next, and the next etc. 

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19 hours ago, Yonkon said:

Hey there,

I am trying to get into Hatha Yoga but i can't seem to find good resources. 

I am looking for a progressive guideline, that leads you from the basic poses to the advanced. Most of the books/courses give you just some poses without any structure behind it. It's like "here are 50 Asanas now do them as you please"

I want to build my own routine, so if you could help me out i would be very grateful. 

@Yonkon Keep in mind that most yogis do not consider Hatha Yoga a good path to enlightenment. Hatha Yoga was only invented less than 100 years ago. Many of the poses were actually taken from swedish calistenics and British military exercises. The yogis initially started doing those poses simply as a way to keep their body in shape so they could sit in meditation for many hours. Hatha Yoga was then adopted by the West, probably because it didnt seem to teach much of an emphasis on meditation.

If you want to study the heart of authentic yoga, study the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with commentary by Swami Satchinanda. Make that your bible and you will discover what authentic yoga is and how it leads one to enlightenment.

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