
High consciousness is like a virus!

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I have just had a really obvious realization that nonetheless kind of blew my mind for a reason. I watched one of Leo's videos and noticed that my consciousness was increasing while I was watching it. In fact, I realized that this is the case whenever I would watch one of his videos. It had a natural tendency to put me into a meditative state.


And then I realized that this not accidental and I don't even think it is by design. I have a sense that this is the case with any creation of higher consciousness. Any product created from a place of higher consciousness will actually increase consciousness, no matter what it is! It is like in the essence of the product the consciousness is present and it cannot help but afflict the mind which is consuming it. Whether it would be a painting, a story or even an equation. It will necessarily increase consciousness.

This is why an increase of consciousness is unstoppable. It cannot be stopped because all of nature is created from the highest place of consciousness. Infact this is why nature herself is so good at increasing our consciousness. To see creation itself will infuse us with higher consciousness.



This is incredible because it means no matter what we produce, if we are high consciousness and our products come from our creativity, they will necessarily contribute to the increase of consciousness in everyone who consumes them. Even what I am writing right now will contribute to it. It is literally a force of nature.


This is not merely happenstance. It is not merely an accident. Being will increase being, it cannot be otherwise. We don't have to worry about unconsciousness, reality itself makes it impossible for consciousness not to increase. How insane is that...

You can corrupt the teachings however much you want, it is impossible for Truth not to persist, because it is embued in literally everything. All art, all technology, all philosophy cannot help but contribute to this cause.


All we have to do is create from a place of higher consciousness. It does not matter what we create. The universe is the ultimate high consciousness creation.

Edited by Scholar

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@Scholar So at some point it will create a feedback loop which will spiral into higher and higher consciousness, eventually to infinity... Wild

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