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Adam M

How much is ego-development bottlenecked by "brain type"?

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So... I've been having some insights recently while reading the Cook-Greuter 9 stages of ego development.

I like to think a lot about why some people have a tough time grappling with these complex ideas that are shared about consciousness and expanding perspectives.

I believed that some people don't have the necessary 'hardware' in their brain that allows them to move up spiral stages. This idea that some people are 'too stupid' to grasp higher consciousness ways of thinking like systemic and integral thinking in stage Yellow and beyond.


But recently I've been intuiting that the primary problem of course is a lack of consciousness and access to higher-elevation perspectives. 


So my question is... are people bottlenecked in their ego-development by their mental "hardware"  OR  if we took someone who has a healthy brain and guided them up the ego development stages ... their entire meaning making system would be rewired as a result of expanded awareness.


I realize my question has hints of the materialism and the belief that the cognitive functions of a person can be bottlenecked by their brain .


Basically, if we took a normal person (like my mom) who has trouble grasping these complex topics, (like spiral dynamics and nonduality and such...) and gradually facilitated her movement up the spiral stages... in 10 years, she would be able to understand spiral dynamics and nonduality and stuff.


I'm just trying to see if this belief that human growth is bottlenecked by their "brain type" or something is a valid belief in the case of a person who does not have any specific mental challenges (like autism).


It seems like people with contracted sense of self appear more stupid and less nuanced in their thinking? Can an adult be brought from an earlier stage to a later stage?


I guess it all depends on the person...


I make YouTube videos about Self-Actualization: >> Check it out here <<

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