
How does reincardnation work?

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Does it work like in the story the egg? What is the factor that Will determine the next life? Will i live out all the lives in the Universe? Does it mean i Will be Kim Jon ung? Pewdiepie? Julien blanc? 

@Leo Gura you should make a video on this (before you say ”find out for yourself with psycadleics” i am of tripping hard because of terror trips and painfull hell realms that i might enter during the trip)


Edited by krockerman

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1 hour ago, krockerman said:

Does it work like in the story the egg? What is the factor that Will determine the next life? Will i live out all the lives in the Universe? Does it mean i Will be Kim Jon ung? Pewdiepie? Julien blanc? 

The Egg is not a traditional view of reincarnation. According to The Egg, You are all the lives in the Universe. You are Kim Jon ung, Pewdiepie and Julen blanc. That was the whole point about how interacting with another person is interacting with Myself. You already are all people.

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I think it must go both ways.  It has been imagined that I AM all people at all space and time, and also it has been imagined that there are soul journeys to take for the sake of growth, self discovery, and integration. I don't think both views must contradict each other. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

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15 hours ago, Serotoninluv said:

The Egg is not a traditional view of reincarnation. According to The Egg, You are all the lives in the Universe. You are Kim Jon ung, Pewdiepie and Julen blanc. That was the whole point about how interacting with another person is interacting with Myself. You already are all people.

but does reincarnation work like that?

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2 hours ago, krockerman said:

but does reincarnation work like that?

These are theoretical constructs. How "it works" is relative to the theoretical construct. Nothing wrong with that - constructs can be fun, interesting and useful.

At the end of the day, the map is not the territory (yet map is territory).  It ultimately collapses into ISness. Yet in a relative sense, we gotta do something. For some, creating constructs of reincarnation is a better use of time that watching TV.

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A soul reincarnates in a evolutionary manner. From elemental to plant, insect, animal, human, "angel/demon" kingdoms etc. Never backwards only forwards. 

For instance a pet is in its last stage of reincarnation in the animal kingdom. It learns from its human owner how to be like him/her before reincarnating in the human kingdom. 

The thinking/mind capacity of a soul in the human realm is so overdeveloped that no brain in the animal realm can handle it. So it can't reincarnate backwards in realms. But it can reincarnate backwards or maybe even forwards in the time/space continuum in the human realm. Live this life then reincarnate in the era that jesus was still alive.

A soul much above the human density can reincarnate elsewhere than its home planet if it wishes to help out.  Some beings from other planets are here on the planet now. Its, I guess, a normal phenomena to some degree. 

Planets also reincarnate. The moon is the corpse of the last reincarnation of this planetary spirit Gaia. But is slowly dissappearing. 

Some advanced souls on the planet don't in a sense reincarnate, but become walk-ins as the new agers terms it (they didn't find it out) 

Anyway, there is a whole esoteric science behind this and I don't know a speck of it. Discard what does not resonate with you. This is my cousciousness that puzzled this together and your hearth knows best of what's truth for you. There is a law of confusion that's doesnt allow us to know all the playing cards of nature yet. So i'll leave and go walk my dog. 

Edited by Wlangr

   "The Universe is Mental--held in the Mind of THE ALL."

--The Kybalion.

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@krockerman what you must understand is this: whichever way it works, KROCKERMAN is NOT the one who reincarnates. 

If you watch movies, here's how to understand it.

Forrest Gump (KROCKERMAN) did not reincarnate and play other parts in other movies.

That was Tom Hanks (SOUL)


What you must see and understand that you're asking the question as Forrest Gump. Forrest Gump will always be Forrest Gump... not Kim Jon Ung, Pewdiepie, Julien Blanc.


The Soul is what reincarnates and what you're being told is that there is only ONE SOUL in existence. and it plays all parts. So yes, technically YOU are already Pewdiepie, Julien Blanc... but the YOU which is Pewdiepie & Julien Blanc is the SOUL! (Tom Hanks/Actor) Not KROCKERMAN (Forrest Gump/Character).

Edited by SoonHei

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@Serotoninluv is it possible to be conscious of this? I don't mean aware.

Can you have a direct experience of the life of someone else, right now, since you are that person anyways?

"You" doesn't refer to you, but generally speaking.

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@Tistepiste Reincarnation is only a pointer, 

you can become conscious of this, but it is an advance teaching in my opinion. For the realisation of "reincarnations" meaning you would neeed to be atleast on the third dimension of consciousness to see it in your direct experience. However, it is fully understood in the fourth dimension of consciousness (absolute infinity) ... 

simply put if can understand this line then you should be fine with THIS POINTER

"You are god 

life and death = reincarnation " 

This is expressed on the third dimension of consciousness, projected actuality in our spatial location. 


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@Aakash but to me, reincarnation is reborn. How can you be everyone right now if everyone is living simeltanuously?

Eg. I die, I get born as a different person. 

But how can me being trump be fit into the definition of reincarnation?

Or do I see it wrong?


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@Tistepiste Yes, as i said... the issue with reincarnation is that it takes a certain level of understanding to establish before you can understand its meaning, you have to have a conceptual understanding of what is meant by the "self" in its semi-entirety. You have obviously not understood because that response is exactly what a person who does not know the self would say. 

it would just be counter productive to your path to try to understand reincarnation, i always think it should be contemplated ltowards the end of the journey. personally that is .

nonetheless, the answer itself may give you an insight : 

The answer on your level is that, you should ask yourself people die and are born everyday, but what is truly reborn? when your body is dropped, how can it be that the identity of the person who identified with the body will carry over. For example if i thought i was brown in colour of my skin and i died and went to a new body. Why would that information carry over to the next body? the next body does not say it has brown colour 

Just reaise that this is only on the 2nd level of consciousness, each level has their own interpretation of reincarnation, but to realise what it truly means, it must reflect on all levels. Which means you have to progress up the levels in order. So this is good for now, but just know there is more to the meaning of reincarnation than i can put in a single sentence for yu to understand at your current level of understanidng 

The expansion of your awareness/ consciousness is going up levels, (if there were levels as a map)

Edited by Aakash

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55 minutes ago, Tistepiste said:

@Serotoninluv is it possible to be conscious of this? I don't mean aware.

Can you have a direct experience of the life of someone else, right now, since you are that person anyways?

"You" doesn't refer to you, but generally speaking.

I think that is an interesting question that goes beyond language and images. Along those lines. . . I had a mystical experience in a sensory deprivation tank - back to the womb. So everything after birth dissolved: language, objects, images, concepts, the story of "me" etc. Yet, there was still a something there. An transcendental essence - yet any explanation would use tools I have gain after birth. So it's ineffable. . . I wouldn't describe it as experiencing someone else - because there was no "someone" and no "else" - those are learned after birth. Yet when I try to make sense of it, it is sorta like being something else - because it's so foreign compared to my usual sense of being.

I've heard some people describe a type of "knowing" or "sensing" a past life or someone else. Yet then, is that someone else now "me"? The distinction between "me" and "them" starts to disintegrate. In general, I don't sense past lives - for example, as if I was a farmer in the 1800s. It's not linear like that. Yet, I've had some experience related to this. One is that I am hyper-sensitive to being on cliffs with sharp drops. If I get close to the edge of a cliff, it overpowers my body. I start losing balance and control of my mind and body. It is extremely uncomfortable. I may drop to the ground and hold onto the earth, unable to move, I may have an intense desire to either get away or jump off the cliff to stop the awful experience. To me, it seems like more than a simple fear of heights. . . Secondly, a low dose of psychedelics can increase my resonance in this area. I was doing a walking meditation while on San Pedro and a man from Asia was in my body looking through my eyes. I have no doubt there is a man in Asia that was meditating and had this mystical experience with me. The "knowing" isn't an intellectual thing and I can't prove it with evidence. Yet there is a "knowing" that is as certain as I am that I exist right now.. . . One could say this was just a haullicination/imagination and it wasn't real. Yet we are now entering an area in which imagination and reality starts to break down.

I think your question also gets into advanced hyper-empathic zones in which a person experiences another and the difference between "their" experience and "my" experience breaks down. I've had experiences in which there didn't seem to be any difference. For example, one of my friends has an autistic child and was describing how he is unable to communicate through language, gets frustrated and acts out. She and the doctors can't quite figure out what is wrong. As she was describing this, an energy/frequency entered me and it seemed like I became this boy. I was trapped in my own mind unable to communicate. It was like being in a prison of partially incoherent thoughts I couldn't vocalize or express. There was intense desire to get out, yet there was no escape. I was trapped. . . forever. There was intense anxiety and then panic. I wanted to scream, throw my arms, throw something - anything. She stopped talking and I was able to pull myself together. Then I described what I was going through and she said "Yes! Yes! That's how it is! That's how he acts. What's wrong with him?". I don't know mechanistically what's wrong with him, yet there was a "knowing" of what it's like. 

These experiences don't quite get at the holistic message of the video that we are everyone. Yet to me, these are examples of how this "oneness" may be expressed. If we are all an inter-connected whole - is it surprising that I experienced crippling fear of cliffs for no apparent reason? Is it surprising that a man in Asia can experience my body? Is it surprising I experienced the autistic boy? Not at all.  At first, this type of stuff was mindblowing and highly disorienting. Yet now it's somewhat normal. It's just how it is.

For me, the theory blocks me from the direct experience - which is more important to me. So at times, I will try to describe the direct experience - yet I generally don't spend much time theorizing about it.

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On 9/6/2019 at 2:56 PM, Wlangr said:

A soul reincarnates in a evolutionary manner. From elemental to plant, insect, animal, human, "angel/demon" kingdoms etc. Never backwards only forwards. 

For instance a pet is in its last stage of reincarnation in the animal kingdom. It learns from its human owner how to be like him/her before reincarnating in the human kingdom. 

The thinking/mind capacity of a soul in the human realm is so overdeveloped that no brain in the animal realm can handle it. So it can't reincarnate backwards in realms. But it can reincarnate backwards or maybe even forwards in the time/space continuum in the human realm. Live this life then reincarnate in the era that jesus was still alive.

A soul much above the human density can reincarnate elsewhere than its home planet if it wishes to help out.  Some beings from other planets are here on the planet now. Its, I guess, a normal phenomena to some degree. 

Planets also reincarnate. The moon is the corpse of the last reincarnation of this planetary spirit Gaia. But is slowly dissappearing. 

Some advanced souls on the planet don't in a sense reincarnate, but become walk-ins as the new agers terms it (they didn't find it out) 

Anyway, there is a whole esoteric science behind this and I don't know a speck of it. Discard what does not resonate with you. This is my cousciousness that puzzled this together and your hearth knows best of what's truth for you. There is a law of confusion that's doesnt allow us to know all the playing cards of nature yet. So i'll leave and go walk my dog. 

Were you ever interested in finding out what animal you were in a past life?

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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1 hour ago, TrynaBeTurquoise said:

Were you ever interested in finding out what animal you were in a past life?

I have only seen a short glimpse of a human life before but that only with help of a channeled entity(?). We don't remember what we ate for breakfast yesterday so I don't think it's that simple to find out (haha) . But that's because the thought of finding out has not entered my mind until now. Have any suggestion? 

   "The Universe is Mental--held in the Mind of THE ALL."

--The Kybalion.

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2 hours ago, Tistepiste said:

@Aakash but to me, reincarnation is reborn. How can you be everyone right now if everyone is living simeltanuously?

Eg. I die, I get born as a different person. 

But how can me being trump be fit into the definition of reincarnation?

Or do I see it wrong?


You are the spirit of light, but because the spirit is impersonal, there is no you and you are everything and everyone.

Spirit gets bored and wants to know itself. It manifests its hearth into Maya and becomes differentiated into souls, sparks of light. Which reincarnates by karmic activity. 

This karmic activities create personalities that we live in physical life. 

We/you/me are the impersonal spirit, experiencing the illusion of differintation by emanating as souls/sparks through reincarnation. 

You are both the impersonal spirit and  the reincarnating soul at the same time. 

Edited by Wlangr

   "The Universe is Mental--held in the Mind of THE ALL."

--The Kybalion.

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14 minutes ago, Wlangr said:

I have only seen a short glimpse of a human life before but that only with help of a channeled entity(?). We don't remember what we ate for breakfast yesterday so I don't think it's that simple to find out (haha) . But that's because the thought of finding out has not entered my mind until now. Have any suggestion? 

Your post just reminded me of the whole "spirit animal" thing, which I have never looked deeply into put something about finding out which animal I am resonates with me

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@Wlangr This is a level 3 consciousness interpretation, projected actuality. 

because your still talking about sentients beings, having souls only.  

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