
What are the best/fundamental books for spirituality/enlightenment?

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Zhuan Falun : the core text containing the teachings of Falun Dafa, and by living according to the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. The importance placed on the elevation of character separates Falun Dafa from most other qigong practices popularized in China over the past several decades, as other practices focus primarily on physical exercises for health and fitness.

Zhuan Falun is the most comprehensive and essential teachings of the practice. It has the Compilation of 9 lectures of Master Li Hongzhi.

Falun Dafa is a path to enlightenment.

Easy to learn please visit its website for more details :




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2 hours ago, AlphaAbundance said:


The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali with commentary by Swami Satchinanda

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