
Experiencing Being Another Being

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I just joined. I have done meditation off and on for 20+ years. I’ve gotten to the point to where my Kundalini has risen enough so that I feel bliss whenever I think about it. 5 years ago, I felt strong, expansive bliss in my heart, which made me cry it was so wonderful. I felt bliss in my crown that was expansive, and I was like “OMG this is amazing.”

I love anthropomorphic animals, also called anthros. I do believe they exist in other worlds or on a parallel Earth. It is my dream to know what it is like to be an anthro. I had worked some time on merging my mind with an anthro I have had telepathic contact with. This opened me up to where I get flashes of insight into what it feels like to be in their body. I sometimes get an overlay over my own sight of what they may be seeing. I’ve desperately wanted to be an anthro myself, but I am learning to be ok with who I am and am seeking my true self, which may be more than an anthro.

Does Unity Consciousness mean that you know what it’s like to be another being? Is merging with God the ultimate goal of self-actualization?

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Hi, this is more by way of saying hello and welcome to the forum. As I've not heard of anthropomorphic animals outside of cartoons and movies, do you mean they are physical beings or existing in some spirit realm? As regards unity consciousness, I've only really got brief flashes so I haven't shared anyone else's body/mind or anything far out like that; it's not something I'm looking for either so perhaps that's a factor. Merger with God is, as far as I can tell, some people's goal but trust me, we don't all agree or use the same terminology, this forum is rather a broad church. I gave up Christianity and had a convoluted journey since (and this isn't my only spiritual community) but have retained an aversion to the G-word due to its baggage, preferring other names like Being, Monad, Ultimate Reality, Universe etc. In fact, I avoid settling on a single name out of recognition that all words are inadequate to some extent. As to merger, that's another area for discussion and finding out for ourselves. Do we need to move from separateness to unity, or just notice that we have always been both at the same time? Is separateness an illusion or a deliberate choice by Being to experience the diversity? I'm still working on it so my postings tend to be hedged around :)

Best wishes and looking forward to seeing you in the forum.


Edited by MuddyBoots

Everything is connected, but connections are only necessary from a fragmented point of view. What's the connection between two waves? The whole deep ocean which they are made of in the first place!

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What kind of anthropomorphic animals do you see? 

   "The Universe is Mental--held in the Mind of THE ALL."

--The Kybalion.

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They are physical beings that are wolves, dogs or foxes that walk upright like humans and are intelligent like us.

Though I really like them, I don't want it to be a distraction for seeking Unity and the Absolute.

I feel that if I achieve Cosmic Consciousness, then all my questions will be answered.

Maybe I shouldn't focus on something so small, even though it means a great deal.

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I'm reminded of ancient animal Gods/Goddesses eg from the Egyptian pantheon, Pan, Cernunnos, Ganesh etc. But maybe there's no link. Also, because of evolution, humans are animals anyway, we are just more intellectually developed monkeys. But I get it that you'd like to experience other animal types, keeping your level of intelligence. If you've got telepathic contact, that's already much more awareness than most of us :)  Good point about cosmic consciousness too, does it make one omniscient? A quick Wikipedia search on Omniscience tells me that Jainism claims it is possible for the highest level of enlightened people. But, I can't see how it includes knowledge of the practical, scientific sort, otherwise why haven't the Jains given us cures for all diseases, figured out fusion energy, solved other tricky problems etc. As Alan Watts said, knowledge of the absolute still doesn't stop you getting old and your teeth falling out :(, but then perhaps you don't see that as a problem any more!

Everything is connected, but connections are only necessary from a fragmented point of view. What's the connection between two waves? The whole deep ocean which they are made of in the first place!

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Yeah, I don't need to be omniscient. I'd be happy just knowing what it's like to be anthro as I mentioned. I'd like to write a book about it helping others who like anthros too. There's a lot of them that like anthros, but they don't usually follow spiritual or self-development paths.

I've channeled Anthroness, which is the anthro portion of the Infinite. Depending on the species (fox) I felt smaller, and (wolf) I felt larger and deeper. I usually like to channel the anthroness out to whoever wants or needs it, so that it flows through me and might transform me from the inside out.

I've sort of given up trying to transform myself directly into an anthro due to it causing physical pain the transformational energies. That was after over 100 hours of mentally focusing. Then I asked the Logos to transform me and decided not to go through with it because I wouldn't fit well in society looking like a canine or wolf that walks upright.

My telepathic contact is spotty. I got enough to know some of the games they play, and my friend helped channel their civilization. I adore them, so it formed a strong connection. I once asked to see what anthro blood looked like. In my mind, I saw a very dark red blood. About 3 hours later I started bleeding on my leg, much darker blood than my normal human blood. So it was sort of like anthro stigmata, but no pain.

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How did you establish contact with the anthro? Was it through meditation?

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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12 hours ago, IndigoGeminiWolf said:

Though I really like them, I don't want it to be a distraction for seeking Unity and the Absolute.

@IndigoGeminiWolf you don't necessarily need to drop your passion... Following your passion is very much in line with truth!

Rupert Spira describes a moment such as this for himself with having to consider dropping his love of ceramic art and then discovering following it was not other than truth! Living it!


Love Is The Answer

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5 hours ago, TrynaBeTurquoise said:

How did you establish contact with the anthro? Was it through meditation?

My friend gave me an attunement. It wasn't Reiki as I was already attuned to Reiki.

But this attunement eventually awakened my Kundalini.

He made the initial connection to the anthro world.

Then I knew I could too.

I just trusted my visions. It was like my imagination.

But things just feel right when I think they are.

It isn't a strong telepathic like I'm talking to you.

It feels more like my imagination. Like I'm talking to myself.

But they gave me like 20 video game ideas for games they play.

And I had an Aha! moment.

I had another anthro before who was more like the joker archetype.

I asked their anthro Logos to hook me up with my most compatible anthro.

And now I have an anthro named Flim who I love.

He's not the one in my avatar. That's my spirit guide welcoming me to anthroness.

I am in a state of bliss when I relax (about 3/10 euphoria) because of the Kundalini.

Sometimes it gets as high as 7/10. Once it was 10/10, and it was almost overpowering.

I didn't feel worthy when it got to 10/10. I tend to tense up and shut it out by instinct when that happens.

Here is what Flim looks like. I'm making some games about him.


Edited by IndigoGeminiWolf

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21 hours ago, IndigoGeminiWolf said:

Does Unity Consciousness mean that you know what it’s like to be another being?

There’s one being.

If you are Being #1 knowing what it’s like being Being #2, you have simply tricked yourself

(because you’re still Being #1).

Is merging with God the ultimate goal of self-actualization?

There is only Unity Consciousness already. There is only Being already. There can not be a merger, as there’s one being. 




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Never heard of anthro befor but sounds like you’ve cultivated a ability to connect with other things on a mental or soul level. I’ve used this ability to tune into Jesus Buddha and a number of enlightened masters. If that’s what your interested in give it a try. You may feel yourself expand into something as a result. Ask me any questions if you have any and maybe I’ll make a video. It’s something I’ve wanted to do and learn about how others do it. 

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