Aggelos Doulgerakis

Tool's Music creating trip-like experiences

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This is my first post on the forum so excuse me if Im breaking any rules which I hope I am not.

A few days ago Tool's new album Fear Inoculum was released.

I have been listening to it multiple times and it talks about some spiritual topics like the power of the breath in the song "Pneuma" (Basically talking about the power of the breath and the non-dualistic nature of reality.)

Lying on my bed with my body wide open and completely relaxed, about half way through the album a lot of strong emotions and feelings that I have repressed start to come up and due to the music I am better able to accept them and experience them without any resistance. Also a lot of times I will have some outter-body-like experiences and higher states of consciousness.

Has anyone else experienced something similar while not on any psychedelics , just listening to music?

Thanks for reading :)

Edited by Aggelos Doulgerakis

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I like Tool, how is the new album? I'll give it a try ;)

I had a few psychedelic-like experiences with music too. the most peculiar was recently while listening to Carbon Based Lifeforms: suddenly my mind opened and expanded into a empty space. I felt a great sense of union and I realized that there is no separation between 'me' and the music. suddenly I realized that I am both the listener and the composer of the music. I made that piece of art myself (in another incarnation maybe) hard to describe, but it was a beautiful experience:x

whatever arises, love that

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@TheGreekSeeker Haha hey , what part of Greece are your from?

@phoenix666 The new album is a lot more crisp and "Meditative". More repeating patterns and slower buildups than the last albums. It really puts you on a spiritual journey :P.

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2 hours ago, Aggelos Doulgerakis said:

The new album is a lot more crisp and "Meditative". More repeating patterns and slower buildups than the last albums. It really puts you on a spiritual journey :P.

I noticed, I really, really like it so far :x I'm curious where it will bring me 


whatever arises, love that

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Album of the year. What an amazing band. They usually took 6 years between albums, but this one we got after 13 years. So according to my calculations we should have the next album in 26-27 years.

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It's pretty cool album, and the song Pneuma have some deep spiritual tone. One of the best Tool song I've listen. 

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@Esoteric Haha imagine them releasing an album at 80 years old. That would be hiliarious

@Jonac "Bound to this flesh
This guise, this mask
This dream

Wake up remember
We are born of one breath, one word
We are all one spark, sun becoming" ;)

Pretty sure Maynard is at stage yellow, judging both from lyrics in this and other songs, as well as some of his interviews. He is the most "awake" popular musician alive imo.

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