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Mushrooms As A Path To Enlightenment?

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I tried it and it was the first time ever I realised that my perceptions, and everything I thought was real, is not real. I saw the world move and the plants blend into the the wall and the sky blend into the trees. The world was moving and I  converged into my surroundings. I didn't feel like a body.

Through meditation I have tried to understand that I am not this body but actually experiencing myself becoming part of the background and the  air is completely different.

I used to think that my feelings and my thoughts existed only in my mind and body. But taking mushrooms made me realise that it is all just one experience. my thoughts and feelings are happening at the same time as all of the sensations that are happening in the present moment.

It is all one experience. Everything that exists only exists right now.

I experienced myself as consciousness. Every thought that I expressed was chosen by me. Every time I moved, I made that decision to move. But I didn't feel like 'I' I in terms of my body and this human experience, I felt like 'I' was like this higher entity that was experiencing this present moment through everything, and my physical body was just a part of the moment. Every person that I walked past became my reality and I felt like I understood them completely without actually knowing them.

My idea of what is real has been a lie my entire life. When you actually see your environment change through your eyes, it makes you question what else in the environment is changing without you realising it. Everything you believe might not actually be the case.

I am completely normal now and the effect of it has dissipated but the question that remains for me is: what is reality? I don't think I will ever know or that I will need to know. Maybe that is up to the universe and maybe I physically cannot comprehend what reality really is.

How will you ever know for sure what is real? What if you wake up in 10 years time and realise your entire life is a dream? It's a possibility, you never know what is going to happen or what is really happening.

Your brain is interpreting reality/your environment right now. How do you know that what your brain is interpreting is ACTUALLY.what is reality?

My experience with mushrooms taught me that everything that is happening in this moment is happening right now and is not chosen by this physical body and my ego cannot take credit for it. There is something greater happening right now that my brain cannot comprehend.

I felt like the entire universe is right here, now, and that I am the universe. Everything felt right without needing anything changed or understood.

I do hours and hours of meditation but I felt like I uncovered more about my true nature through mushrooms. Rationally speaking it would be great to experience oneness without having to take drugs but it actually worked in helping me understand that this is all there is and all there ever will be.

I am writing this I guess to ask for advice because I don't really know if meditation is my path to enlightenment anymore. I'm also worried I might become reliant on it but, at the same time I don't care because I have no body or ego to preserve anymore. Any thoughts would be helpful.

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25 minutes ago, WhatAmI said:

I tried it and it was the first time ever I realised that my perceptions, and everything I thought was real, is not real. I saw the world move and the plants blend into the the wall and the sky blend into the trees. The world was moving and I  converged into my surroundings. I didn't feel like a body.

Through meditation I have tried to understand that I am not this body but actually experiencing myself becoming part of the background and the  air is completely different.

I used to think that my feelings and my thoughts existed only in my mind and body. But taking mushrooms made me realise that it is all just one experience. my thoughts and feelings are happening at the same time as all of the sensations that are happening in the present moment.

It is all one experience. Everything that exists only exists right now.

I experienced myself as consciousness. Every thought that I expressed was chosen by me. Every time I moved, I made that decision to move. But I didn't feel like 'I' I in terms of my body and this human experience, I felt like 'I' was like this higher entity that was experiencing this present moment through everything, and my physical body was just a part of the moment. Every person that I walked past became my reality and I felt like I understood them completely without actually knowing them.

My idea of what is real has been a lie my entire life. When you actually see your environment change through your eyes, it makes you question what else in the environment is changing without you realising it. Everything you believe might not actually be the case.

I am completely normal now and the effect of it has dissipated but the question that remains for me is: what is reality? I don't think I will ever know or that I will need to know. Maybe that is up to the universe and maybe I physically cannot comprehend what reality really is.

How will you ever know for sure what is real? What if you wake up in 10 years time and realise your entire life is a dream? It's a possibility, you never know what is going to happen or what is really happening.

Your brain is interpreting reality/your environment right now. How do you know that what your brain is interpreting is ACTUALLY.what is reality?

My experience with mushrooms taught me that everything that is happening in this moment is happening right now and is not chosen by this physical body and my ego cannot take credit for it. There is something greater happening right now that my brain cannot comprehend.

I felt like the entire universe is right here, now, and that I am the universe. Everything felt right without needing anything changed or understood.

I do hours and hours of meditation but I felt like I uncovered more about my true nature through mushrooms. Rationally speaking it would be great to experience oneness without having to take drugs but it actually worked in helping me understand that this is all there is and all there ever will be.

I am writing this I guess to ask for advice because I don't really know if meditation is my path to enlightenment anymore. I'm also worried I might become reliant on it but, at the same time I don't care because I have no body or ego to preserve anymore. Any thoughts would be helpful.

Where is reality found

How do you know when what you think you know is real

Drugs will never take you to enlightenment, and there is the possibility that your meditation won't either.  My question is what are you meditating for?, and what are you doing in this meditation?  What is the real purpose of your meditation? 

You seem to be basing a lot on a trip that you took with mushrooms,  do you have any idea where those perceptions came from or why you had them,  while you was on the schroons?

What does enlightenment mean to you?

To be honest with you based on what you have written there is a lot of  contradictions and confusion in your statements. You said you didn't care because you have no body or ego to preserve anymore, you don't know if your meditation is your path to enlightenment,  all of this is just thoughts and speculation, its not an actual living experience.

I often wonder how anyone can trust what they experience while on drugs.

How many self realized beings do you know, and how many of them promote the use of drugs?

Just a few questions for you to ponder and answer if you like.


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They're a useful tool just like meditation & self inquiry, as you've already discovered. I say don't overanalyze the future. Use meditation daily and use plant medicines whenever the situation is perfect and you feel like you have something to learn from them. I don't think you'll reach your goal through psychedelic use alone, but they can enhance the other methods tremendously IMO. I've had some amazing realizations on psychedelics but the knowledge I gained always seems to fade after a few days or weeks. I still know that the experience seemed 100% real while under the influence, but it no longer seems 100% real a week later. I think the best route is to use every tool at your disposal.

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