
Any thoughts/experience with Black Seed Oil supplementation?

13 posts in this topic

Dealing with auto-immune system issues. Psoriasis. Having a much anticipated flare up on my face and scalp. 

Was looking at Black seed oil. Seems like there isn't much information, studies or proof done on long term human usage and whether it is benificial for myriad health issues beyond Anecdotes and Marketing. 

Thought I'd ask everyone here :)

I'm also considering CDB oil for attaining deeper sleep and lowering general inflammation. 

As always, organic, cold pressed etc etc. Best of the best one can afford. And yes, diet, lifestyle, stress and exercise are all factors I'm aware ofand working on. That being said, so share any knowledge or experience if you have some and care to :)

@LeoGura my dude you have a book on your book list about auto-immune condition protocols and in your audio synopsis you mentioned you were going through such and were on week 3..... How's that all going for you? Just about to order that book via amazon and dive into it. Still suggest it and hold it above other books you've read on this topic?

Cheers for reading you beautiful monkeys you! 

We are all one spark, eyes full of wonder

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“In the monastery of your heart, you have a temple where all Buddhas unite.” - Milarepa 

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Sorry you are having one of the flareups, psoriasis can be nasty and the cure is not easy however from what I've researched on the topic there seem to be some things that exacerbate the flare-ups: 

Stress - in case of psoriasis it is often a cause of flarups and a consequence of living with it so it kinda creates a vicious cycle. Stress seems to activate something called HPS Axis (Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Sympathetic Axis) which triggers the release of local inflammatory mediators such as NGFin the skin. 

Diet - A decent amount of evidence suggests towards more wholefood plant-based vegetarian/vegan diet as being very helpful here.  Mediterranean diet would be a good start. (link)
Gluten-free might help or testing for gluten sensitivity as well and then keeping at a slightly hypocaloric state or implementing a bit of intermittent fasting. Sufficient intake of Omega 3 fatty acid while reducing Omega 6 intake is a good idea. On the top of all that I'd up your fruit intake to 10+ servings a day as a fruit is generally cleansing and anti-inflammatory. 

Vitamin D - because in psoriasis there is an uncontrolled proliferation of skin cells, some theories suggest that this may have to do with vitamin D deficiency. Btw many autoimmune diseases such as MS has also been linked to vitamin D deficiency as it is a significant immune regulator. 

Weight reduction - in case that is an issue, might help. I assume this is not your problem thou :)

Good luck with any protocol you go for!

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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I consider Black seed and its oil one of the most medicinal substances in the world. I personally think Cannabis is still #1 but Black Seed Oil is just as good. What i find funny is that 2 of the most medicinal substances i know, also have very similar names. Cannabis Sativa and Nigella Sativa.

Michael has already mentioned some excellent advice, personally if none of that works only fasting on pure water or herbal teas should do the trick but it could take anywhere from 7 - 21 days for total bodily repair and most people need a guide and expert to help them through.

You won't find studies on medicine that actually works that easily besides results and reviews from real people who experiment with them personally because that means no profit for the extremely rich drug/chemical companies who fund, control and manipulate studies for their own profit, power and control purposes.

People have to realize what kinda world we live in and those who have the most money twist the information you receive for their own benefit. Truth will never be found in the mainstream, you always have to look into alternate methods, natural and ancient wisdom ect... and self-experiment like some of us do to see the results for yourself.

If we waited on scientists, materialists and studies to tell us whats good and how to live, we'd all be doomed by now. I prefer to observe nature. Dandelions, Cannabis, Nettle ect.. grow in abundance all over the world. That's nature telling you this is your medicine.

Hope this helps


Edited by pluto


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4 hours ago, pluto said:

I consider Black seed and its oil one of the most medicinal substances in the world. I personally think Cannabis is still #1 but Black Seed Oil is just as good. What i find funny is that 2 of the most medicinal substances i know, also have very similar names. Cannabis Sativa and Nigella Sativa.

Michael has already mentioned some excellent advice, personally if none of that works only fasting on pure water or herbal teas should do the trick but it could take anywhere from 7 - 21 days for total bodily repair and most people need a guide and expert to help them through.

You won't find studies on medicine that actually works that easily besides results and reviews from real people who experiment with them personally because that means no profit for the extremely rich drug/chemical companies who fund, control and manipulate studies for their own profit, power and control purposes.

People have to realize what kinda world we live in and those who have the most money twist the information you receive for their own benefit. Truth will never be found in the mainstream, you always have to look into alternate methods, natural and ancient wisdom ect... and self-experiment like some of us do to see the results for yourself.

If we waited on scientists, materialists and studies to tell us whats good and how to live, we'd all be doomed by now. I prefer to observe nature. Dandelions, Cannabis, Nettle ect.. grow in abundance all over the world. That's nature telling you this is your medicine.

Hope this helps


What are your thoughts on smoking/vaping vs edible cannabis?

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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4 minutes ago, TrynaBeTurquoise said:

What are your thoughts on smoking/vaping vs edible cannabis?

For medicinal purposes, from best to worst: Edible > Vaping > Smoking.

For spiritual purposes, from best to worst: Edible > Smoking > Vaping.

Vaping is however superior than both when it comes to Micro-dosing for enhanced mental/emotional abilities at the same time providing the medicinal benefits and minimal negative side effects.

Hope this helps :)


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@pluto @Michael569 Thank you for your help and advice both of you. Yes I have had phases in the last few years of doing very high water content fruit diets, focusing on optimal digestion and hydration. Lots of exercise thrown in with intense cardio/sweating every day. Yoga, lymphathic pumping movements and cold showers. Doing so I've had amazing results but it is unsustainable nutritionally nor optimal for myself whilst working, especially in england during the winter. I never went all the way with gut healing protols and the like entwined so whilst I worked on detoxification and elimination of personal triggers, I only ever hit it from this single facet.

I need to entwined tests of various sorts, gut healing via probiotics and the like along with some liver cleanses or some such. Ideally I need enough money to pour into this and fix the problem once and for all. (psoriasis since 14. now 28)

It is hard to find a single or multiple persons who I can trust truly understands the situation. People have all sorts of diet, healing and medicinal ideologies and paradigms. High fat. Low fat. Water fasting. and on and on it goes. Truly a mine field and one has to understand as much as they can, but ultimately jump in with faith that they know the truth.

Weight is perfect. Very lean and actually under weight with a lack of muscular definition.

Well aware of the stress factor. I did 3 months of intense cleansing, as mentioned above. Then my father died and that whole situation flared me up solely. I changed nothing consumption wise. Was a huge eye opener.

As for Vit D, I've been in the sun all summer wprking outside as a gardener. It has helped but I've still continued to flare. 

Cheers for your pointers @Michael569 :)

@pluto I agree with all you said my friend, the vast amount of allopathic medicine stems from an ill paradigm. Sitting opposite Dermotologists gives one a glaring display of myopia and dangerous education. I shall look into CDB and Black Seed Oil more. I really do think the financial invest will be worth it. Another tool in the kit on the path to physiological balance.

I really do think a long water fast would do wonders for this body. Complete reset.

Thank you both Xxxx 

We are all one spark, eyes full of wonder

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“In the monastery of your heart, you have a temple where all Buddhas unite.” - Milarepa 

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We are all one spark, eyes full of wonder

“Take the lowest place, and you shall reach the highest.” 

“In the monastery of your heart, you have a temple where all Buddhas unite.” - Milarepa 

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7 hours ago, pluto said:

For medicinal purposes, from best to worst: Edible > Vaping > Smoking.

For spiritual purposes, from best to worst: Edible > Smoking > Vaping.

Vaping is however superior than both when it comes to Micro-dosing for enhanced mental/emotional abilities at the same time providing the medicinal benefits and minimal negative side effects.

Hope this helps :)


I have definitely felt the most spiritual and medicinal benefit from edibles as well. Way more profound shifts of my perspective of reality.

I used to smoke regularly mostly with organic papers and a bong but stopped because I could tell it was subtlety harming my respiratory health. I grew tired of coughing when I knew I was harming myself. I only do it rarely now.

I have a vape pen as well and used to do that regularly a couple years ago but haven’t touched it at all since I became skeptical of other chemical byproducts that could be present within the oils. Ive researched that a lot and come to the conclusion that it really isn’t fully understood by anyone yet so i found it wise to just stop. I agree that smoking is more spiritual though because getting the whole herb and all the various terpenes/cannabinoids. 

Edited by TrynaBeTurquoise

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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3 hours ago, TrynaBeTurquoise said:


I have definitely felt the most spiritual and medicinal benefit from edibles as well. Way more profound shifts of my perspective of reality.

I used to smoke regularly mostly with organic papers and a bong but stopped because I could tell it was subtlety harming my respiratory health. I grew tired of coughing when I knew I was harming myself. I only do it rarely now.

I have a vape pen as well and used to do that regularly a couple years ago but haven’t touched it at all since I became skeptical of other chemical byproducts that could be present within the oils. Ive researched that a lot and come to the conclusion that it really isn’t fully understood by anyone yet so i found it wise to just stop. I agree that smoking is more spiritual though because getting the whole herb and all the various terpenes/cannabinoids. 

Most welcome.

I personally never have health problems from cannabis because i always smoked land-raised, heirloom and bio-dynamically/organically grown herb i either grow myself or source from small villages and mountain regions where there is minimal chance that herb has been hybridized or genetically modified or grown with any chemical use in any way by the hand of man.

Strains these days have been mostly bred for THC and lost much of their THC/CBD and overall chemical balance that can only be found in strains of the land that have yet to be messed with by man but i have found taking high quality CBD oil 15 - 30 minutes before consuming a more modern strain of Cannabis which is usually mostly THC to negate the negative effects in the long run.

These strains that i smoke are chemically balanced and THC/CBD is usually 1:1 or 2:1 at most and the high is much more pleasant, medicinal, psychedelic and spiritual. Nature makes everything perfect, we always go and screw it up.

I did however experience many negatives as a teenager when i abused the herb and street weed was usually high THC low CBD and chemically grown. I was at a point where i stopped feeling everything due to excess use of herb and other substances paired with being a victim to all sorts of abuse and bullying, i was in a very dark place for almost a decade and weed was the only thing that kept me going and preventing me from committing suicide.

Nowadays i am much more in tune with nature and my relationship with the plant is far more spiritual and medicinal than anything else. Its interesting because the less often i do smoke, the more i actually embody the plant teachings and live more in harmony with nature and in tune with spirit. Similarly for all psychedelics.

Finding the highest quality plant medicines on the planet significantly helped me consume less and less because the experience is much more profound and spiritual, you no longer have the need to fall into lower conscious traps.

Less is more :)


Edited by pluto


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@SoothedByRain Well said and i also agree. We have to find what works for us one step at a time and yes sometimes even if diet is optimal, if you are have mental/emotional deep stored issues(energetic-trauma) nothing but a drastic change in lifestyle may help.

This is why we say, diet and lifestyle.

When i was going through a challenging break up, no matter what i ate or what i did my body reacted as if i was consuming toxins and i was experiencing skin conditions and other issues. Until i made peace with the past, find more stillness in my mind and opened my heart and reconnected to nature and spirit and started to explore and travel and live my life again, only then i truly started to heal.

Diet is only one point of the triangle of health. Oh and both those supplements look good.


Edited by pluto


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On 03/09/2019 at 7:12 PM, SoothedByRain said:

It is hard to find a single or multiple persons who I can trust truly understands the situation. People have all sorts of diet, healing and medicinal ideologies and paradigms

Maybe you should look for a specialist. I am in UK as well and there is a good presence of naturopaths and herbalists in here. Find someone who is reasonably priced and work with them. These people see these conditions all the time. 

Personalised Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle Support
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about a health problem you are currently struggling with

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@pluto One 


P.s just taken my first gel cap from one of those supplements I linked :) 

Edited by SoothedByRain

We are all one spark, eyes full of wonder

“Take the lowest place, and you shall reach the highest.” 

“In the monastery of your heart, you have a temple where all Buddhas unite.” - Milarepa 

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@Michael569 I should indeed. Needs to happen. I've been putting it off for too long.

Thanks for your time M


We are all one spark, eyes full of wonder

“Take the lowest place, and you shall reach the highest.” 

“In the monastery of your heart, you have a temple where all Buddhas unite.” - Milarepa 

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