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Explanation of reincarnated lives and why some are ahead

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Basically nothing Is random. 

What happens is that the awareness being unconscious of itself as god goes through multiple ego deaths over infinite lifetimes. 

What happens is the ego undergoes a major purification that takes them 20-40 years to accomplish to reach a place of security. Once they’ve reached that security and that particular ego development 

people on their journeys will spend 20-30 years doing it and then when they become enlightened they spend 20-30 years on it and realise it was never true. Then they get reincarnated and the have mystical experiences of their past lives because it was imagined for them and so the ideas come around, things spread .. 

if you’ve spent 20-30 years doing something you aren’t likely to change your ego and reality so drastically and that’s why we have awakenings at specific times in our lives. 

This is why ego development and all science are in fact true, but they miss the part that it’s determined in reality and therefore the quantum physics is wrong because the observer does not share the same reality as any form object. They are getting imaged at two different times. Which means paradox’s are important for discovering the nature of reality. They should not be brushed under the carpet. 

Anyway at this point in time, quantum physics was imaged in all our realities simultaneously, because we don’t actually have a seperate reality, all form and formless ness is appearance and then we break science. So here comes along Leo and finds this paradox loooool. 

Anyways the egos develop at certain rates and enlightenment cycles them outside of the system because enlightenment has nothing to do with paradigm, it only has to do with religion and then spirituality if put in the correct place which it has. 

And then so people become more aware to the point where he’s able to come up with a holistic model for how to become enlightened lol and presto. 

Then meanwhile you got people al over the world trying to reach enlightenment, because their karmic body hasn’t storied it and when they reach enlightenment it gets too complicated because they don’t have Leo in their lives to unpuzzlr them. It’s too difficult to read the scriptures it’s just to difficult to explain this stuff and how to unravel a paradox in a scientific generation. It’s no wonder that religion developed to be honest. 

Anyways they spend 20-30 years on their spiritual journey they must die before they are bought back to try again, because they have a less karmically dense cosmic body because of ego development in ALL of absolute infinity. Yes even aliens aswell, you would be gaining karma, through suffering itself. It’s definitely not linear because it’s infinite, you have infinite pathways to take. What’s the odds that you choose one that leads to enlightenment and finally nirvana 

Well bingo heres what we do, we make you suffer so much that you have to increase your consciousness and become more loving to loosen your ego into its karmic body and when you’ve realised absolute truth. 

Decide whether you want to take the path of nirvana, mahasamadhi etc. 

The reason why absolute infinity is like that is because you are absolute infinity. There are infinite numbers of absolute infinities because there’s infinite number of form. How do you do this through imagination ? Or total undifferentiated formlessness. I think the latter. With the explanation best with former. 

Still you will eventually come to the point where enlightenment was not even real, because you would have to realise that the whole point was to consciously take your own life. 

Lol makes sense why sadhguru says there are young boys taking their lives like this all over the world, because the last realisation is a quick one. 

In short you get so delusional that your ego contracts and some even double down on them and so they must die to a physical death. 

What happens is your addictions are chosen for you so you extremely go down on them. And eventually you will have an addiction to know the absolute truth. The real truth and that is when you will find it in your second or last human lifetime 

like you can’t get enough of that shit. All finite love is basically an addiction that’s why buddha said to reach nirvana you must drop all attachments to find true love. So you’ll double down on it so hard to the point where it crashes and you realise the imperimance. 

Shout out to my ex girlfriend who I let down because I was too busy finding the truth for our entire relationship without knowing what I was trying to find. 

Edited by Aakash

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The reason you choose liberation was because you suffered so much, you created your own delusional world. 

The reason people on their last life’s don’t do this is because they’ve already had liberation in their system. They genuinely love their selfs and they genuinely love reality because they find it intuitive curious. 

Remember your have absolute free will, it’s up to you which one you want really. To go through personality changes too fast is the common pitfall of enlightenment searches, the knowledge is just way too advanced for you. Like people trying to rid themselves of attachments to reach enlightenment. It’s a fundamental misunderstanding. You need knowledge to avoid traps so if you really want freedom. Although it’s 100% sure your reality doesn’t see it that way. Your going to have to do something to change that’s personality and really push for it. Because you have 100% free will after you become enlightened. You realised that your non - free will is free will. And that basically all duality and non-dualities collapse. Etc etc . 

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