Leo Gura

Infinite Intelligence Communication #001

237 posts in this topic

@Nivsch infinite intelligence can be seen through a chemical because it is a reflection of your deepest desires. You are imagining you took a tablet and the outcomes are imaginations too . Still if you use it to realise enlightenment you will indeed understand god. 

Psychadelics are quickest way to understand the deepest of god realisations in infinity because they make your reality possible. Therefore if you see it in your direct experience you can trust that it is 100% part of absolute infinity. This extends to the fact that absolute infinity is infinitely large and infinite in imagination thus proving its own self in your direct experience 

and granting you the realisation. “That ohh it was me the whole time “, I am god. 

But this is only a partial recognition of truth. Absolute truth extends even beyond this because your enlightenment must also include the concepts of nirvana/ moksha / mahasamadhi/ 

so people get fooled and this is when they mistake he cosmic joke for the actual truth. When the cosmic joke is partial truth. But then I guess when your living it it is quite a funny joke and you can relax. Still not the end of the path 

the absolute truth is after all the absolute truth, it can’t be otherwise. 

What happens is their non-duality emerges and they merge their nothingness + something ness together. But this is again more delusion. Basically that is where everyone is at on the forum. The end of enlightenment as I call it. But then some get lost in the haze and try to find absolute truth. And then some get lost and say that it’s nothing because they stick to the side of nothing. Because you’ve supercomposed a reality ontop of itself. You imagined that whole awakening but it became real. That’s why you say it was a black hole. And come back to the body. But this was all imagination again. More self deception. Because the end of enlightenment is nirvana. That is te absolute truth and it can’t be doubted. Because there is literally no other move to make. Your cornered. Enjoy your life and prepare for your death are the instructions. Find a master who knows how to do it because only the quite one will know how. 

You need to understand all existential questions before you even reach this point. And understand all why. Till there is no more why left , no more how’s left, no more what’s left, no more shoulda left, no more nothing and your asking how do I do the next step.Such begins the second path. At this point you can’t speak a word about it. Because everything you say is ultimately false. Which is ultimately true because everything is absolute truth including all relative truths but only after you reach absolute truth to understand why this is the case. 

So any technique can get you there as long as it gives you a direct experience of something. It just has to be a direct experience for you to know it’s teuth. Because you aren’t aware of how your universal mind works.m and is designed. 

Edited by Aakash

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34 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Nivsch infinite intelligence can be seen through a chemical because it is a reflection of your deepest desires. You are imagining you took a tablet and the outcomes are imaginations too . Still if you use it to realise enlightenment you will indeed understand god. 

Psychadelics are quickest way to understand the deepest of god realisations in infinity because they make your reality possible. Therefore if you see it in your direct experience you can trust that it is 100% part of absolute infinity. This extends to the fact that absolute infinity is infinitely large and infinite in imagination thus proving its own self in your direct experience 

and granting you the realisation. “That ohh it was me the whole time “, I am god. 

But this is only a partial recognition of truth. Absolute truth extends even beyond this because your enlightenment must also include the concepts of nirvana/ moksha / mahasamadhi/ 

so people get fooled and this is when they mistake he cosmic joke for the actual truth. When the cosmic joke is partial truth. But then I guess when your living it it is quite a funny joke and you can relax. Still not the end of the path 

the absolute truth is after all the absolute truth, it can’t be otherwise. 

What happens is their non-duality emerges and they merge their nothingness + something ness together. But this is again more delusion. Basically that is where everyone is at on the forum. The end of enlightenment as I call it. But then some get lost in the haze and try to find absolute truth. And then some get lost and say that it’s nothing because they stick to the side of nothing. Because you’ve supercomposed a reality ontop of itself. You imagined that whole awakening but it became real. That’s why you say it was a black hole. And come back to the body. But this was all imagination again. More self deception. Because the end of enlightenment is nirvana. That is te absolute truth and it can’t be doubted. Because there is literally no other move to make. Your cornered. Enjoy your life and prepare for your death are the instructions. Find a master who knows how to do it because only the quite one will know how. 

You need to understand all existential questions before you even reach this point. And understand all why. Till there is no more why left and your asking how do I do it. Such begins the second path. 

To claim that a specific chemical X shows you the infinite intelligence is just a beliefe and a feeling. How can you know how the infinite intelligence feels like? And what chemical shows it? And you start a new game of words and assumptions that can lead easily to a new religion and its easy to get very attached to this magical game and get lost in it.

Edited by Nivsch

🌲 You can rarely pretend to give an effective advice to someone just from the fact that you cannot see the unique inner logic behind his actions, no matter how obvious you will mistakenly think the answer is. If you really want to help and not to harm, encourage him to trust more his own logic.

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@Nivsch because your assuming that infinite intelligence is outside of yourself. You haven’t realised that this whole world you are in is literally you. So who else do you need to ask to show you that you are you. You only need to ask yourself and that’s what psychadelics are you are asking it to show you , the true you. 

The real gains of psychadelics come when you realise you are god and what it means to be god. In short as I mentioned above for now the truth will be that you are everything and nothing. But to even get to this point you need to know what a duality is. 

So in full .. psychadelics work better when you have actually contemplated for yourself existential questions.  Which is what Leo is telling you in all his video. What each of these things are 

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Wondering if this was a tryptamine :o 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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My hand shivered a bit while I read this. I already know that whatever I do, i.e, the words i am typing right now, I don't control it. That there is expression through me, an expression which i cannot claim as mine. 


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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It's really no different than solving a geometric proof. Who are you asking if the proof is true? You! The truth of the proof is seen by the intelligence of your own mind. So it's just like mathematics, but deeper.

Do you talk to God when you do mathematics? Think about that. How do you know 5x5=25? By who's authority? Does a voice tell you it is true?

Hold on a second, 5x5=25 not because I (the little self) says its true, its because mathematicians taught me its true. I have no idea of whether 5x5=25 except because that's what everyone agrees upon. 


If you just ask yourself whether a geometric proof is true or not, without asking external people like professors etc for feedback, you will get BIASED. You cannot see your own blindspots. This is where dogma and racism and staunched beliefs come from. You cannot trust yourself because yourself is completely biased.

If you really did a geometric proof, and only used yourself as the bearer of truth, you will make a proof which is not true(even to your standards!). Because you would have made assumptions, logical arguments and conclusions which are nonsensical. And you will only notice these nonsensical arguments when an external person POINTS IT OUT TO YOU. Its not because this external person has a different view of whats sensical and non sensical to you, its because you were literally NOT AWARE of the nonsensical arguments in the first place. You thought you made logical arguments, then when you look closer you see they actually aren't logical(the devil is in the details - and you need someone else with fresh eyes, different belief system and personality profile, to see those details - the fundamental message of Thomas Khun's book Structures of Scientific Revolutions)

If what you experienced was a deeper version of a geometric proof, then that's very dubious, because the validity and truthness of a logical proof is very volatile, it changes depending on whether the assumptions are true, and what paradigm you're in. An insight like a logical proof is an insight which isn't absolutely true, but is true based on the paradigm and assumptions, and can change at any time if the paradigm you or your scientific community is in changes. 

Edited by electroBeam

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@electroBeam Dude, you're way overthinking it.

To understand the validity of a mathematical proof requires insight. Exactly the same kind of insight as enlightenment.

Just because you apply insight in the relative domain does not mean it is different in the absolute domain. Insight is a general function of consciousness. It can be used in all sorts of ways, from the mundane to the divine.

You can have a valid insight into how to boil an egg. Of course that insight is relative to you being a human in a physical world where there exist eggs. If you enter some 5 dimensional astral realm, boiling eggs may no longer work.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Do you have any evidence you talked to infinite intelligence? If you did then why couldn't you ask about someone's twitter password for example

From what I've read it seems the infinite intelligence kind of got itself on your level, for example the question of free will seems to have been dodged, if we assume you were asking about pre-determinism and not just saying "free will" vaguely


Edited by tenta

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1 hour ago, tenta said:

Do you have any evidence you talked to infinite intelligence? If you did then why couldn't you ask about someone's twitter password for example

From what I've read it seems the infinite intelligence kind of got itself on your level, for example the question of free will seems to have been dodged, if we assume you were asking about pre-determinism and not just saying "free will" vaguely


I think the question has been answered.

you're as free as a sandbox game like minecraft or skyrim.

Means you can do everything in a way, you're not limited in your way if you take control, ( the real question would be, can we have true control of ourself, or are we only the fruit of the external world upon us ? )

but you can't escape the map & glitch away, you're free in the limit of the current world ( or maybe we can )

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12 minutes ago, Aeris said:

I think the question has been answered.

you're as free as a sandbox game like minecraft or skyrim.

Means you can do everything in a way, you're not limited in your way if you take control, ( the real question would be, can we have true control of ourself, or are we only the fruit of the external world upon us ? )

but you can't escape the map & glitch away, you're free in the limit of the current world ( or maybe we can )


Which wouldn't explain at all how the world is free and not pre-determined

"you're not limited in your way if you take control" no because it was pre-determined if you take control or not

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1 hour ago, tenta said:

Do you have any evidence you talked to infinite intelligence? If you did then why couldn't you ask about someone's twitter password for example

From what I've read it seems the infinite intelligence kind of got itself on your level, for example the question of free will seems to have been dodged, if we assume you were asking about pre-determinism and not just saying "free will" vaguely

You have been told in clear language what is what. If you insist on acting dense, that's on you.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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how many times have you used this substance? does it give the same effects everytime you use it? is it something that other people have taken or are you the first? when will you name it? ;)

Edited by passerby

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This infinite intelligence communication reminds me of the work of Neale D. Walsch. During an LSD trip I had a similar experience where I suddenly wanted to write something and it felt as some higher order consciousness or someone was whispering me the words on the ear. But until now I realized the magnitude of the experience.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

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29 minutes ago, reves said:

But until now I realized the magnitude of the experience.

does that mean the magnitude is gone now that you know others can have similar experiences, god doesn`t talk to you alone? it`s funny how that`s exactly what god seems to reveal. no wonder how ego backlashes are predetermined. :D

in the end it`s probably all about the connections with the divine and how we nourish them - if god talks in many tongues to listen to what god has to say, because you never know, s/he might give someone else the better information sometimes, but you don`t know.

Edited by remember

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36 minutes ago, remember said:

does that mean the magnitude is gone now that you know others can have similar experiences, god doesn`t talk to you alone? it`s funny how that`s exactly what god seems to reveal. no wonder how ego backlashes are predetermined. :D

Hehe no, what I meant to say is that during the psychedelic trip, I did not understood what was going on, it was just a big WTF moment for me. At that moment it never crossed my mind that God could have whispered me something. It is after working on integrating the trip, doing research and reading stuff like the one Leo posted here, when everything made click ;), which is a huge realization for me. 

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@electroBeam Dude, you're way overthinking it.

To understand the validity of a mathematical proof requires insight. Exactly the same kind of insight as enlightenment.

Just because you apply insight in the relative domain does not mean it is different in the absolute domain. Insight is a general function of consciousness. It can be used in all sorts of ways, from the mundane to the divine.

You can have a valid insight into how to boil an egg. Of course that insight is relative to you being a human in a physical world where there exist eggs. If you enter some 5 dimensional astral realm, boiling eggs may no longer work.

just because you have an insight, doesn't mean you truly understand that insight or in other words that insight is valid.

you might have an insight that birds fly because they flap their wings - then when you try to make an airplane based on that insight it fails because what makes a plane fly is the shape of the wing - happened to Leonardo Was Vinci.

This is why you need external people to judge your insight, Leonardo had a blind spot in his thinking.


I'm not other thinking anything, I'm sharing a well known insight ;)


Don't fall into the trap of treating an insight too preciously just because it makes you go 'wow' or makes you fall over in awe - that reaction alone doesn't mean anything.

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21 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Schahin As it says, you have some will but it is limited because you are a finite human form.

Think of it like parent and child at the playground. The parent gives the child plenty of freedom but within certain limits. 

I see. 

But when you say parents and children it implies that the children are an offspring of the parents but not actually their parents. 

Now all living beings are directly God so if God plans a beautiful story with no coincidences, how is the human (who is God). Being able to act independently. This would mean there is someone else other than God. Namely a human who thinks is free and only a "child" of god playing on the playground with certain limits. 

But isnt everything god and all conpletely contained in this one's God infinite will and Beautiful story which is superconsciously and super intelligently played out? 

If i as a human have an independent small portion of God's free will, this ould only say that there is also some independent portion of freedom which is not bound directly to God


Edited by Schahin

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On 02/09/2019 at 8:50 AM, jimwell said:

Am I really God? But I am greatly suffering. Everybody is greatly suffering. How is great suffering infinite love? God works in mysterious ways? No, I'm not satisfied.

Afuckingmen to that

“Words are like Leaves; And where they most abound, Much Fruit of Sense beneath is rarely found.”

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59 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

just because you have an insight, doesn't mean you truly understand that insight or in other words that insight is valid.

you might have an insight that birds fly because they flap their wings - then when you try to make an airplane based on that insight it fails because what makes a plane fly is the shape of the wing - happened to Leonardo Was Vinci.

This is why you need external people to judge your insight, Leonardo had a blind spot in his thinking.


I'm not other thinking anything, I'm sharing a well known insight ;)


Don't fall into the trap of treating an insight too preciously just because it makes you go 'wow' or makes you fall over in awe - that reaction alone doesn't mean anything.

You are right in that "to know something" is "to do something".
To know how things fly means: to make things fly.

Do you know what it means "to know yourself"?
Exactly the same thing: "to do yourself". To be yourself. To not hang up and flow.
That is the embodiment of infinite intelligence - thoughtless action. Unconditional presence.

You are confusing the insight in the relative domain with insight in the absolute domain.
Absolute insights cannot be verified empirically. The feedback loop only feeds selfishness.
That is why saints are canonized post-mortem.


D.: Jesus Christ cured people of their diseases. Is that only an occult power (siddhi)?

M.: Was Jesus aware at the time that he was curing men of their diseases? He could not have been conscious of his powers. There is a story related as follows: Jesus had once cured a man of his blindness. The man turned wicked, in course of time. Meeting him after some years, Jesus observed his wickedness and asked him why he was so. He replied saying that, when he was blind, he could not commit any sin. But after Jesus had cured him of blindness he grew wicked and Jesus was responsible for his wickedness.

D.: Was not Jesus a Perfected Being possessing occult powers (siddhi)?

M.: He could not have been aware of his powers (siddhis).

Arunachala, Sadhu (2010-06-30T23:58:59). Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi . Sri Ramanasramam. Kindle Edition. 


Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

just because you have an insight, doesn't mean you truly understand that insight or in other words that insight is valid.

you might have an insight that birds fly because they flap their wings - then when you try to make an airplane based on that insight it fails because what makes a plane fly is the shape of the wing - happened to Leonardo Was Vinci.

This is why you need external people to judge your insight, Leonardo had a blind spot in his thinking.

There is no such thing as external people. Other people are your imagination.

You cannot get to Truth by having other people validate it for you. If you adopt this attitude you will never reach Truth.

How about the blind spot in your thinking? Why don't you look into that? ;)


I'm not other thinking anything, I'm sharing a well known insight ;)

You are literally "other-thinking" ;)


Don't fall into the trap of treating an insight too preciously just because it makes you go 'wow' or makes you fall over in awe - that reaction alone doesn't mean anything.

Hehe, it's cute that you feel qualified to judge that I am falling into traps.

What you perceive as my traps is your own lack of insight.

1 hour ago, Schahin said:

Now all living beings are directly God so if God plans a beautiful story with no coincidences, how is the human (who is God). Being able to act independently. This would mean there is someone else other than God. Namely a human who thinks is free and only a "child" of god playing on the playground with certain limits. 

But isnt everything god and all conpletely contained in this one's God infinite will and Beautiful story which is superconsciously and super intelligently played out? 

You are thinking about this in far too limited a manner. You're using dualistic logic to try to figure this out, and that will never work.

It is not a fixed story like a movie. It is an interactive story which is always in the process of being written, like a video game. The designers of a video game set very tight constraints, yet you as the player are still given a lot of freedom, so much so that even the designers cannot predict what you will do next.

Even humans are capable enough of creating a video game which gives players agency, yet you think God is such a fool that all he could do was sit down and write out your entire life story?

It's way more subtle and intelligent than that. Stop taking God for a moron.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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