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What is and how to get over post anime/tv show/video game depression

3 posts in this topic

This phenomenon shows itself in many forms. For example people feeling suicidal after watching the movie Avatar by James Cameron because they felt their life wasn't as good in comparison (you can find old articles on this).

the most common way I see it talked about is post anime depression, people become depressed after finishing a anime series they really like. You can look up post anime depression and see forums where people talk about it. I'm assuming a similar thing happens with tv shows and video games. I also thing it shows itself in a different way with some people who lash out and get angry when the series ends in a way they don't like.

I think this is a symptom of escapism from depression and becoming too connected to a media so much so that it makes a fake world that seems better then the real world. Possibly also why people who watch porn or hentai become less interested in real life sex and connections because it isn't as stimulating on the surface.

Though it might require repetition of topics Leo already covered in other videos I think a video about this phenomenon is needed because lots of people who have this problem don't look up more general things like how to get out of depression because they don't see a connection. It gets talked about a lot by people who suffer from it online but I rarely see it talked about by self help channels that studied it or offer solutions.

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I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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Well, I was really sad when I saw a few scenes of Vikings, or naruto, or one piece, but that's part of the emotional rollercoaster, that is fine.

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