
The red pill or the blue pill?

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@Nahm Sensations = your akashik records. 

Absolute truth = sensations 

therefore love = sensations

because love is identical to truth 


Sensation = devilry because sensations = you

no ? 


Edited by Aakash

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53 minutes ago, Aakash said:

@Nahm Sensations = your akashik records. 

Absolute truth = sensations 

therefore love = sensations

because love is identical to truth 


Sensation = devilry because sensations = you

no ? 


What is meant by ‘devilry’?



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devilry is a contracted form of awareness, awareness is infinite therefore awakening and enlightenment is also infinite. Because non-duality is infact duality. There are infinitely many things that you can become more aware of as opposed to who am I, these are all the existential questions. You can not get away from answering them. They all must be answered and for a specific reason. You can not know the absolute truth if you do not know the absolute truth. The absolute truth is that 

emptiness is form, emptiness is formless 

emptiness is imperminance 

form is the same as formless and formless is the same as form 

At the end of answering all exestential questions, about who you are. You will find that all of these are not merely words. They are the absolute truth not only in actuality but in relativity as well because the absolute truth is the absolute truth and can not be otherwise. 

The point of life is to understand why it is here because without understanding why it is here... what would you actually know. Hence the self reference problem. 

The devil is the god himself unaware of the absolute truth due to the self reference problem of self -deceite and attachment to form. 

This is why buddha said that you must give up all your attachments to reach the end of enlightenment ... nirvana. 

If you do not know the truth. You do not know the truth and if you know the truth, it is an instant realisation. It’s not actually that shocking but it’s definitely very cool and satisfying to know why the hell im hear and what the only way to actualise your death truly is. You must take your own life with your own hands. 

A lot of materialist and spiritualist will think this is suicide. But what you realise is it’s very peaceful and beautiful really. It’s exactly How it should be. When your done playing outside, return home to the source. 

“Return to the market place” as the 10th ox herding picture says. 

The devil is the person who does not understand they must take their own life to truly die. The devil must die to the truth. The truth is absolute infinity and that’s who you are. The devil can not rule because the devil is imaginary. A being who is god and unconditional love for itself and free to do what ever they want and free to play however they want. Because the true self has unconditional love for the devil. The devil is unaware of himself as the devil because he doesn’t know what the absolute truth is. 

Therefore the devil must sacrifice himself to become god and take his own life. Because the thing the devil wants the most is to be loved by others. But he must realise at some point that the others are actually him and from there the path to reunification ... he has an awakening. But the awakening are confusing his own devilry gets in the way and the biggest obstacle the devil must face is to become godly and when he has all that temptation , love and joy and bliss he finally wanted and reAlised was the ideal. He must offer his very life for the thing he wants and that is to never have restricted form ever again. But the devil does not give in, and god is unconditionally loving. He finds a way deceive himself of the life he craved and wanted as he was suffering immensely when he joined trip so he tricked himself into thinking he had become god “the enlightened master” ... only to realise that the thing he wanted was to be free, to never have to see the former world ever again. So he devoted his whole self to completely leave his form and actualise the death he did not do before. Because he realised that what he did was imagine an idea of a spiritual path, the ideal way to prevent his own death. A last final attempt to lay his bed because he couldn’t let go and give himself up. So he came back to help and realise what he forgot. The thing he forgot was the thing he really wanted, the final thing he needed to do before he actually did it. He created the idea for others that the there was a god, a god named allah, bhraman and GOD. Then more devils came along and imagined the idea of a seperation between them and god. This idea became a core part of the path , a liberation a false freedom for the devil to enjoy. So that when his time was up he could continue to enjoy. 

He never learnt his lesson that in the end the thing he really wanted was to be god again. 

The idea of dying to enlightenment is a false death. It is the devils last dance with life. It is again the idea of dying to god imagined into existance. 

the idea of dying to nirvana is the actual death of the devil. His mahasamadhi date, his nirvana ... the actual death of the devil. Because YOU never absolute truth. The absolute truth is that you are god and you imagined all of this for yourself out of unconditional love to enjoy life and indulge in life, until you realise it won’t make you happy. 

The reason why seekers get trapped in false death is because they seek liberation from suffering. Even if they don’t admit it to themselves, their akashik karma can’t lie. When you pursue truth genuinely for the sake of perusing truth you arrive at the absolute truth and freedom from bondage. 

When he actually dies he realises he was never alive in the first place. But some can not take his so they created the false death. Because they did not go straight into death themselves and decided to come back and teach. Which is itself part of the journey for some. Buddha didn’t have the courage to take his own life. So he came back and chilled and decided to teach after. 

The devil is a devil until the day of his actual death.

this is the story of the devil. 

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From the egos point of view 

conditional Love = life 

true unconditional love = death 


from absolute truth point of view 

true unconditional love = life 

True unconditional love = death 




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@Nahm ? when you know it you become a purely reflecting mirror as you see the reflection for the first time without any smudges. I felt the heart beat relax in happiness for the information 

? remember ? 

When the baby cries, you cry . For they are you and you are them perfectly reflected 

when you know the Buddhas face ?

Edited by Aakash

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@Nahm As an idea ? 





May ?  ?? 

And I’m feeling 


Doubled down to be nice ?? 

prince of hell always listens :) 

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20 hours ago, Nahm said:

 Look at the emptiness of this post box as infinite consciousness, and the X as the instantly manifested finite thing, and keep in mind the emptiness is conscious of it’s infinite self.















“Can't imagine why God has created man and knowingly could have placed the thoughtless Awareness in all but didn't” @Lowerplanedweller




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@Nahm @Lowerplanedweller

Wait omg lol by thoughtless awareness you just mean yourself ? Loool 

like going full circle on the enlightenment path you end up right back where you starred before you took the path, is that thoughtless awareness ? 

Fuck lol but that’s because I didn’t take the path. Okay umm you realised it was yourself basically ? Without any mystical states just being a more kinder human being really. Lol ffs that’s why people take the path, it makes sense now. I started literally at base one ?

this explains so many imaginations and fairy tale all of you dreamt up. Like black holes, white holes, return to body, Riding the ox backwards lol Jesus Christ I’m not gonna lie, I feel like I’ve done what you did in my last life time. 

Its quite easy to calculate backwards your life’s. Given your akashik records right now. 

And then the cosmic joke about all of you there being no enlightenment and that your the thing your trying to find. 

All these teachers trying to teach enlightenment up to the point where they reach their own selves and then call it themselves lol. 

Awww ?, im actually such an unconditionally loving thing it’s amazing to see. 

But Jesus Christ, god is a mad man that’s the only words I have 

Edited by Aakash

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OK Buddha(from all possibilities this one) tell them. 

How God might feel. 

If you stay as Choiceless, Desireless, Toughtless Awareness What Will happen. When You Drop ego and separation and become One (which You always were). 


God feel/is as Infinite Love. That's What you are behind all layers of Bullshit. 

Really need to stop going on wrong side of the Mirror. 

The very first thing You created and What you become that's how it all started. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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