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9 Stages of Ego Development

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Hi guys,

Leo posted a great article on the 9 stages of ego development a few weeks ago, I thought it was great and wanted to try and cement my learning by summarising. If you are interested in reading a condensed version, have a look, if it piques your interest, make sure to read the full paper!

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I liked reading it. Looks good. 

Besides Maslow's Hierarchy and SD we got another model to wear out now ?

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Nice work.  

When I read the research paper I was confused about how her model reflects spiral dynamics.  Im wondering if people could help me clarify.

It seems like in Cook-Greuter's model there are two stages that encapsulate Orange (Expert and Achiever).  Then Green is Individualist (since in her model Individualist comes after Achiever).  I can see how perhaps she used different criteria in her model which resulted in SD stage Orange being split in two: the first Orange stage being more reactionary from Blue and individualist, the second phase incorporating a move towards a more Green social conscience.  

The issue I see is that, similar to SD, her stages move from integrated (social?) to differentiated (individualistic?) as you move up stages.  Which places the Individualist stage (or, if I laminate SD onto this model, stage Green) at a differentiated or individual stage.

First, I could be misinterpreting her use of differentiated and integrated.  But I don't think so from what I remember in the paper.  Does she use the criteria of being group conscious in integrated and individually conscious in differentiated?  If not, this could explain why it wouldn't line up perfectly with SD.

Secondly, in Leo's stage Green video, he mentioned it as having a paradox: it has an individual mob mentality.  It lies in the group conscious side of the pendulum but it also, somehow, has individual qualities like being "counter-culture.  This may also explain the discord between the two models since Cook-Greuter may be modelling only the individual expressions of Green.

I've been trying to reconcile this for a while so any new perspective or ideas on this would be great!  


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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One point I found interesting: The internet tends to hinder development during stages 1-4 and the internet can enhance development at stages 4-5.

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Hmmm... did you find that out in yourself or have you noticed that in others as well?  Why would you say this is so?

If that's true I should definitely cut down on internet :)


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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@Matt23, glad you liked it, I would agree with your comments on SD v CG, I see more similarities than differences, and there seems to be this individualist to integrated swapping and shifting as you move up. 

@Matt23 and @SerotoninluvRegarding the internet helping v hindering development, this is my own musings that I've noticed in friends, and myself. The internet basically has the ability to massively reinforce certain elements of each stage, for example at SD Orange - CG Expert, it is so easy to only use the medium of the internet to expose yourself to rational, individualistic, ambitious tendancies, and media platforms such as google, youtube and facebook are only going to serve to amplify this echo chamber. I.e if you follow garry vee on youtube, you are going to be suggested all other videos of this kind etc.

I've written some more about the effects of technology on the human condition in some of my other articles, so you can check them out. 


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