
Is it bad/low consciousness to care about looks?

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I dont think there is a formula of what exactly enlightened people think. They probably care less.

Edited by Nivsch

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@AlphaAbundance this is a tricky question. A high consciousness person doesn't care about looks, but at the same time probably wants to look nice because he respects his body and wants to bring joy to others. "Not caring" doesn't mean you stop upkeep, it just means you'll feel exactly the same about yourself whether you're covered in shit and haven't showered in a month vs. looking like a freshly groomed model. Full acceptance of what is. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

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Read this somewhere - it's like everyone is a toddler. Toddlers love playing with toys, but as they grow. they outgrow those toys as and when they find better ones. So if you find something more interesting than 'looks', you automatically lose interest in 'looks'.  I believe a high-consciousness person doesn't care about how they look, but they do care about their health, and that is automatically reflected in their looks, lifestyle and clothing choices. 

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we have an innate attraction to beauty, aesthetics, and its the code of God, for exmaple the fibonacci design or double toroid.

Its nothing wrong to search for it, or trying to look better. Youll be happier when you look at the mirror and will delight others too.

The beauty is in the beholder or in the interior is another coping bluepilled bias.



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Dont try to become some Enlightened identity, if you like dressing up nice then do it, there is no right or wrong, just because you sit in a diaper and meditate all day long it doesnt make you more “conscious”. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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1 hour ago, rNOW said:

I believe a high-consciousness person doesn't care about how they look, but they do care about their health, and that is automatically reflected in their looks, lifestyle and clothing choices. 


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21 minutes ago, Natasha said:


Yes - but the key thing here is they stop trying to look perfect.   They no longer concern themselves with vanity.  Or it is way diminished down to nothing.  And they stop caring what others think.  They love and accept themselves fully with all of their finite imperfections.  Because these imperfections are an aspect of Perfection.  And it collapses into One.  

Edited by Inliytened1


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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:

Yes - but the key thing here is they stop trying to look perfect.  And they stop caring what others think.  They love and accept themselves fully with all of their finite imperfections.  Because these imperfections are an aspect of Perfection.  And it collapses into One.  

Agreed. I just focus on maintaining good health. And even then, if I eat a donut at work or skip gym, that doesn't bother me any more. But then again, I've never had to worry about my looks in the first place, I've always known I was a cute kid.

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1 minute ago, Natasha said:

Agreed. I just focus on maintaining good health. And even then, if I eat a donut at work or skip gym, that doesn't bother me any more. But then again, I've never had to worry about my looks in the first place, I've always known I was a cute kid.


You are at that!   And you are working out for yourself and your own health not to impress others.   Heck you probably meditate while doing squats LOL.  


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1 minute ago, Inliytened1 said:


You are at that!   And you are working out for yourself and your own health not to impress others.   Heck you probably meditate while doing squats LOL.  

Haha Nah, I'm not that 'spiritual' ;)

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Saying that enlightened people don't care about their looks is like saying that enlightened people don't care about the beauty of a sunrise... :)

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Theres nothing wrong with it man. It's okay

It will feel a lot better to be more self accepting though 

That will help you care less and suffer less 


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11 hours ago, Inliytened1 said:

Yes - but the key thing here is they stop trying to look perfect.   They no longer concern themselves with vanity.  Or it is way diminished down to nothing.  And they stop caring what others think.  They love and accept themselves fully with all of their finite imperfections.  Because these imperfections are an aspect of Perfection.  And it collapses into One.  

And paradoxically this makes them more attractive to others than those who vainly desire for attention lol

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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its definitely attachement, my man. Which is a hinderance along the path, unfortunately. That is why most yogis have long beards, the original intention of growing their beards long was to make themselves look unattractive (coz if you know your unattractive, then its easier to stop thinking about looks)…

But nowadays that gurus are becoming a 'thing' people are associating long beards with wisdom (sadhguru doesn't help :D). Its starting to have the opposite effect. many are trying to grow long beards to 'fit the image', which is completely against what was intended. Also, it kinda ties into hippy culture as well: I have a  long beard, people will know "I've done lots of psychedelics and experienced crazy states they cannot imagine".

also, that's why buddhist monks have to shave their head, because hair is a big symbol of someones beauty. so they must shave it all off, so they all look the same, "i'm not a snowflake".

And that once in 12 year ceremony in India where the cave yogis come down, they come down completely naked. they have no shame if people see their thumb tac sized willy, they do not give a fuck. (and its got nothing to do with nudist philosophy)

saying that, I have both a long beard and long hair (but not a thumbtack sized willy :D) but I am nowhere near any impressive spiritual 'level' at all, and I admit I have a very heavy attachement to my looks

Edited by passerby

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Is it bad/low consciousness to care about your looks”.

When someone looks in the mirror, and doesn’t feel good about how they look, the not-feeling-good is their inner being, the true, perfect, very real & present self - not agreeing with the judgment made upon it. It can’t ‘go there with you’, into crazy town, because it is sane. 

A perceiver can not perceive a perceiver, and you can never create a perfect world. 

14 hours ago, AlphaAbundance said:

Also do enlightened people care about how they look?

‘Enlightened people’ is a misnomer (‘they’), the care is not of separate selves.  

There is no right or wrong perspective to be found. You’ll only find the one you are creating.  



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Three layers of delusion:

  1. Assuming that there's something bad.
  2. Equating badness with low consciousness.
  3. Assuming that there's something bad about the former two.


Anyway, to answer your question: enlightenment can happen at any stage of cognitive development. My little brother is enlightened at stage Orange, he cares about his looks for pragmatic purposes, and he's aware of that.

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