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What I learned being thoughtless Awareness

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1) my lazy eye is straight as a arrow now.

2) people perceive a calmness about me

3) I'm not a god nor will I ever be, not that I wanted to be anyway.

4) I'm thoughtless without effort

5) I can think, and stop thinking, but the silence is always in the background 

6) I'm still responsible for my mortgage and car note

7) if I screw up, the price still has to be paid

8) use to wish everyone could be where I'm at, but now realize each person is where they need to be.

9) everyday I wake up, it a brand new day without self induced stress.

10) I realize people have 24/7/365 rambling thoughts that take their attention away, even in a simple conversation, their only escape from this is sleeping.

11) I realize all my experience is who I am, and minus the rambling mind, I'm still me, but upgraded.

12) I am fearless, but not naive.

13) thoughtless Awareness, nirvi kalpa samadhi, sahaja nirvi kalpa samadhi does described this state, but I caution you, the bells and whistles part take with a grain of salt.

14) I can focus all day effortlessly, without mental strain.

15) I never followed the teachings of any known religion not did I read bout them til after I received this state, in order to get some sort of understanding intellectually.

16) knowing what I know and seeing what I see, this awareness is rare, only because who freaking knows, lol.

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