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5 meo legality in europe

3 posts in this topic

5 meo is legal in Belgium.

Anyone here from Belgium and know what the situation is like and your perspective towards 5 meo dmt in society?

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3 hours ago, ROOBIO said:

5 meo is legal in Belgium

When you say legal do you mean that you can buy it from the store without any regulation or are you saying its decriminalize?

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Yeah, I am not sure, apprently it is not a controlled substance in that country. So legal to purchase and sell.

With the Czech Republic, it is legal to buy psychedelics under a certain amount. eg 5 LSD tabs. It is illegal to sell and import. Which is nice because I am going to study veterinary medicine at a university there in a couple years. No mention on 5-meo-DMT so not sure whether it is legal or illegal or decriminalised.

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