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Optimism vs Pessimism

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In reality, optimism does not work in the short term. Pessimism holds true. However, in the long term, pessimism does not exist and it is not a valid viewpoint.  Optimism holds true. This applies to all beings in the universe, from viruses, demons, angels and highly evolved beings.

Everything that happens serves us and all types of creatures well in the long term. No one can lose in this game called existence. Of course, most of us can't see this in the short term when there is an immense amount of suffering and pain. But let's trust existence. All that happens to us, whether we label it as good or bad, serves the greater good of the entire universe as well as other infinite universes. 

Even if a planet gets destroyed by a supernova, a galaxy collapses or a particular universe ends in a Big Crush.

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What does optimism and pessimism mean to you? What is the greater good? I'm not trying to be a smartass, these terms have kinda lost their meaning for me and I'm having a hard time relating

Edited by crab12

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"Realistic" usually tries to balance out optimism and pessimism under egoic constraints. However the peak of this work, everything becomes optimism. There is no negative to reject with pessimism. 

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