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I think this has been the cause for the biggest slow downs in my life time for growth. I've managed to create settings for myself where I had no need to be pessimistic a few times. But of course those things don't last. 

I've watched many others get sucked into a deep hole after something like a family members death, or even a friends death. Placing many others around me who are always in a half empty mind frame and not going anywhere in life. I've removed all real life "friends" but one for other reasons, but this is just another thing on the list.

Of course with personal development work I am more optimistic than before, but my mind set needs a good overhaul. I feel as if I have achieved a pretty fair amount even with being pessimistic. But my greatest potential will be much better.  

I hit a pretty solid amount of ego back lash recently after completely removing adding sugar, high stress, and a lot of introspection. Anger is another thing that I will have to work on. Not that it is extreme, but an emotion that could be used better. 

Anyway, figured I would share this after doing a good amount of introspection lately. Not my easiest slump I have hit in awhile. Mostly just a mental barrier I have had to hop over and now getting all of the good habits back on track.  

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