
Purification of (Subconscious) Mind?

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How do I purify my mind, subconscious mind, emotions, beliefs, thoughts, perceptions, and projections in such a way that last? 

I’m realizing everything I manifest, everything I experience, etc. is a result of something I’m doing, want, and attract. However, I can’t just mechanically change the way I relate to the world from a place of say for example fear, just by doing surface level changes. 

Some of you recommend psychedelics. 

In my experience, there is a profound purification I find that goes on... as the experience takes place... However, there is still a major sliding back to such a degree that there isn’t really any progress. I may end up having a better conceptual understanding of what has been my underlying self-experience that I may not have been aware of, however I want to go beyond concepts. I want a real cellular purification that really lasts. The moment the psychedelics start to wear off, and the mind really starts to lock back into its prior framework.. not only does this feel schizophrenic and like true insanity but I feel like I lost at least most of the purification I did in that session. 

What major steps can I take in my life to really go about purification of my entire psycho-spiritual mind? I use the word “major” as a way to suggest a willingingness to “radical” suggestions.

I really want purification so I can cease to end projections with the “external” (just bare with the limitations of langauge, don’t be a smart ass here) and relate to them only from deep unconscious needs, wants, personas/sub personalities, etc. and put an end to deep rooted fear, limiting beliefs about my self, shadows, etc. so as to take more responsibility in my life without being so terrified of everything. 

Note: Serious answers only. Don’t give me smartass nor condescending answers or projections of who and how you think I am (be mindful that you’re still only giving advice to an idea you have of me). Such responses will not be regarded. 

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Deconstruction is the key you observe your thinking beliefs then see either that they are bullshit or you drop them because you become higher concious of something either way its becoming aware of something to the point that that concept you hold for so long disappears so fast that you dont remember that you had it..i hope you had those experinces because watching leos videos made you see the bs and when you see it it gets deconsrructed you cant hold it anymore...

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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2 hours ago, kieranperez said:

Serious answers only.

Lose all seriousness.

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Self discipline and here is a trick I used to get rid of unwanted thoughts.

Place thought in basket

Place basket in a stream of water

repeat if necessary



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You have to stay balanced.

A highly spiritual person is one who can find a balance between his spiritual life and everyday responsible for life. Does not get extreme in either one.


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Vipassana . 

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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@kieranperez Literally? 

I'd say fasting.

Minimal eating. Just for the sake of eating. When you eat little, you will have a clearer mind, clearer focus & attention. 

Usually towards the end of my fasting, I will have more energy instead of being depleted. Feel more like running than walking.
I can do my works for hours without (mind's) distraction. 


A sage once said, when you eat minimally, it will kill your passion. You will need less sleep. Your mind will be clearer. Your body will be more active. 

Diseases & mind's distractions comes from too much eating. Or too little. 

But it's relative. For those who are used to it, they'll be fine with very little. That's how you purify your mind. You need to be completely sober.

My guru says, you should do it for the sake of your Creator , (everything else is just a byproduct) that will benefit you. 


One more thing, you can't watch porn. That will kill your intellect. Your mind is precious. Your body is precious. And your soul. 


I fast depending on my mood. Whenever I feel like to. (The way muslims fast is from dawn to sunset). Don't starve yourself, eat only when you feel hungry. Minimally. Just for the sake of eating.

But when food was offered to you, don't deny it. Only if it's not bad.


When you first started, it will really purify your mind. Try to starve yourself for a day*. See what comes up.^_^

Then break your fast in moderation~

*EDIT: Actually not for a day. When I first started, I had my light meal before dawn, and break my fast at noon~ haha @kieranperez


"The hunger of the hopeful is a cause of wakefulness, the hunger of the patient controls passion, and the hunger of the ascetics is wisdom."  - Yahyā ibn Mu'ādh,

-Al-Ghazali -


19 hours ago, kieranperez said:

purification of my entire psycho-spiritual mind? I use the word “major” as a way to suggest a willingingness to “radical” suggestions.


Jesus and Moses can fast up to forty days straight~ 

Wanna try?

Edited by Angelite

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