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Leo`s neti neti

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In my humble opinion this is most potent self inquiry gudie on yt for beginners i got my first awakening after doing this for 2 weeks. It breaks all traps of self inquiry such as menttal mastrubation, monkey mind.... 

So radical, this is masterpiece


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I am doing it everyday, but it takes me about 25-30 minutes, am I doing it wrong?
I am first paying attention to my experiences, and am realizing that the only thing that is constant is me, and that I am awareness, and then I slowly eliminate every possibility of me being an experience (Vision, Audio, .... Emotions, thoughts, memories, dreams, intuition and every experience that i've ever had) and I'm literally left with nothing. What am I doing after this?
I am then asking myself if I am also an experience, but that doesn't seem right, what seems right is that I am the experiencer, and I am experiencing the voice that says that it is the experiencer, so where am I? and there I get stuck.. 

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yes go step by step and be very very patient there is something aware  of you being stuck

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