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Truth bout enlightenment

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1) Be you

2) you can never be one with God

3) you will have thoughtless Awareness 24/7/365

4) Being in the moment constantly, does not mean you're not aware of your mortgage or car note payment each month

5) enlightenment the word is actually the wrong description...

You are lightened up by the removal of the non stop 24/7 rambling thoughts that held your attention, and you were unable to experience the moment

6) God works thru you based on your hard earned abilities and talent, so choosing what you want to be is entirely up to you

7) religions have a place in this world and should be respected, you must have faith before you can

Climb the ladder to higher consciousness

8) if you just be you, you are a hairbreadth away from enlightenment

9)only the holy spirit can give you true enlightenment, but the kicker is this.... You are already qualified to receive it, just be you, and act as if you already are.

10) psychic phenomenon is not spiritual enlightenment, i.e.reading others mind, seeing the future, etc. etc

11) Once enlightened 99.9% of all you read bout spirituality will be worthless





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Yes You Should listen to your own advice and climb the ladder. 

Advice from enlightened. 

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