The Don

Asking For Advice Regarding Personal Development

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I'm doing personal development work four days a week.

I can't do it every day because I have a job and I work three days a week; 13 hours a day.

That means Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday I'm busy working and I can't do self-actualization work.

In one of his videos, @Leo Gura said that it's important to do it every day.

I can't get this out of my mind, so I wanted to ask if it's OK to do it in the remaining time.

Me on the road less traveled.

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What do you consider 'self actualization work'?

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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Self-actualisation is everything in your life. As soon as you started your self-actualisation work, everything you do is in the moment and part of the journey. Your job is part of the journey too. You need your job to give you insights to how the humans live, why we work, and will teach you a few things like sacrificing time for a living.

So maybe try and incorporating your consciousness work into your actual job, like for example when you're on break and eating your lunch, instead of eating with friends, or being on your phone as you eat, think about deeply about your consciousness work, write notes on some things that worries you, your emotions.

You're not human, you're the universe

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Here are a few points of what self-actualization means to me:

I meditate four times a week.

I study psychology.

I think (contemplate) about reality.

I keep track of my thoughts using a journal.

But it is not possible for me to do all these things while I am working. I say this because @Leo Gura said that it is important to do self-actualization work every single day. How can I do that if I have to work three days a week?

Me on the road less traveled.

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Everyone finds their own balance. If 4 days on and 3 days off works for you then great. 


Trial and error, find your own path.


By the way, if you feel that you need to do something everyday, have a read of ‘miracle morning’. 

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14 hours ago, The Don said:

I meditate four times a week.

Switch to do-nothing meditation and do that during your workday. Observe what your mind is doing during everyday situations.
The point of meditation is not to sit on a pillow. It is to realize that your life is an act of meditation!

14 hours ago, The Don said:

I study psychology.

Apply psychology during your workday.
Observe your coworkers and create models. See their blind spots and help them work these through.

14 hours ago, The Don said:

I think (contemplate) about reality.

This one fits into the first paragraph.
See how your insights about reality allow you to think about everyday matters more clearly.

14 hours ago, The Don said:

I keep track of my thoughts using a journal.

The above-mentioned list of improvements should give you a steady stream of insights to write down after you're done with your work.

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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Its "easy" you do work that is congruent to your life purpose and you grow in that thats self actualizing during work you can be more present and mindfull see your reaction see why you do that can do it everywhere infuse it with your work

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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