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What happens for the materialist after death?

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I have a few questions for those inclined to answer, would be much appreciated.

At the tangible real bodily death (heart stops) of someone who has lived a materialistic life, not awakened, what happens? Eternal void? Hell? Reincarnation? Or do we all no matter what reunite with source energy/nirvana/god. I know it is possible to transcend the flesh in this life, but for those who haven't when they die and are still trapped in the Ego, I'm curious as to what happens afterwards.

Also, on the side, what do you think the concept of hell and damnation means and can this be experienced after death?

Just came across Actualized lately, truly is life changing information from an unbiased stand point and I value that so thanks Leo.


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@jayfrost321 Everyone’s experience of death itself will be unique, but we all ultimately fall back into the Infinite Love of God. The concept of hell and damnation is an outdated scare story designed to control people. It’s not real. 

Materialistic people do not get damned to hell because they didn’t awaken, since everything is predetermined.

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