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How survival needs might mess with my passions

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Hello everyone,

This is my first post and I really value being here. I'm 18 yers old and want to share some thoughts on my life purpose. So the thing is that by contemplating I reached conclusion that the most important thing for my is the one, which helped me to survive (solved my problems). In the past I had problems with emotional well being and kind of depression (I still do sometimes). By trying to fix that I stumbled upon philosophy, psychology and self-help and I managed convinced myself that this is the most important thing in life (becouse helped me to feel better and I do like it ) So this is negative motivation, right? Isin't that wrong way to go about figuring out my life purpose? Not only that, I also feel that these previous work of fields are crucial for other people to understand. Currently I'm studying math and physics and having strange sense that this is not that important to me (Of course, becouse there was no way that these things could help me with my emotional problems!!!) Same mechanics I also noticed in others.

Example: a girl which broke up with her boyfriend thinks that she is most passionate about dating psychology. 

Things that I hold as important, I tend to think that same things are equally relevant for others. it would be nice to know your thoughts on this logic chain. Maybe you are in similar situation?

Btw, thanks for all your support and all replies.    

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So basically, you understood that what motivates you has its origins in your past suffering ? I don't think at all that it is a negative motivation, actually it is very positive to turn your past wounds into motivational strength . I think many people follow the same path . Concerning the fact that you are studying math and physics, I think you have two choices towards that, the first one would be to stop what you are doing and radically change your way of life but I don't know how wise it is since your life purpose does not seem very clear yet (which is normal at your age) . 

The second option would be to become very good at hard sciences and using your knowledge in those domains to push humanity further . Remember that you are free to use what you learn to build whatever you want .

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