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The majority of people are neutral on politics

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Half of the people who are eligible to vote aren't voting.

And from my personal experience when I talk to the average person on the street about politics, their opinions are surprisingly neutral. They usually speak in vague phrases, expressing simple truths. "I didn't like any of the candidates, so I didn't vote." "Politicians, they're all the same", phrases like that. Do any of you share this experience as well? Because the reality of what the average guy on the street thinks about politics is far from the fierce, democrat vs. republican, constantly in a state of protest/upheaval narrative that all the media outlets seem to push. On average, older people I've met have leaned more republican, and younger people more conservative. But very few people I've met have had particularly strong political opinions. They may lack the deep understanding that promotes, but in my experience they're surprisingly more neutral, reasonable and open-minded than they're given credit for. They may believe politics is out of their control or their politicians are failing them, but they're pretty willing to listen to a new POV.

Edited by EternalForest

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Majority of people are just for the status quo because they haven't even bothered to think of anything else.

And such people are extremely vulnerable to psychological manipulation, which is what media propaganda does.

Don't give the average person too much credit. 200 years ago, the average person would not have a strong opinion pro or anti slavery. They're just sheep following the herd off a cliff.

Yes, they may even be willing to listen, but they are not willing to think deeply about anything.

Neutrality is an extremely dangerous thing. It gets easily exploited by devils.

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