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Neurofeedback- at home or clinic?

1 post in this topic

Im interested in Neurofeedback since i have a.d.d. i think the wiser option for me will be purchasing a machine for home. My question is how much theory is needed to effectively operate an eeg machine in a way that I'll see real results? Do i need to spend 6 months reading books and learning? Or reading a book will be sufficient? I have a nice conceptual understandig and memory so i can learn. I'm intrested in your opinion about wether i should go to a professional or not.

If there Is anyone who can share his /her experience with NF, I'll appreciate it.

I'm also interested in Direct Neurofeedback. A way of neuro feedback in which the feedback go back directly to your brain, without you doing any concius effort to train your brain. If anyome has heard of that. It's supposes to be much more effective then traditional NF

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