
YouTube Channel - BuddhaAtTheGasPump

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I  did not see anyone sharing this. Not sure if everyone already knows this channel but if not it is worth sharing. Tons of interview with spiritual people, also very enlightend ones like. Ken Wilber, Shunyamurti, Shinzen Yung, Culadasa, Mooji (altough I don't like him that much), Adyashanti, Rupert Spira, Deepak Chopra, Daniel Ingram, potentially many others you might know about.

I don't know to many teachers, there are some Swamis listed an others, I like the interviews with the people I mentioned above so far. 

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@ValiantSalvatore  Great idea for thread that's just Buddha at the Gas pump interviews.

This is Rick Archer's new 1 minute introductory video he just put out a month ago.




"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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@Zigzag Idiot Yeah, the idea is yours ! I'll share my favorite interviews, I don't know to many people on BatGap potentially others have favorites too and can share them and if people have time they can watch them fully. 


The Ken Wilber interview is also great.

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Harri Aalto ones are absolute best, he is someone who have been Enlightened since basicly birth. There are three of those.


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Love this channel so much, you get so much perspective from maaaany different paths. 

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"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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This channel is literally a goldmine

One of the most curated list of conscious people out there.


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@ValiantSalvatore Whats the deal with people on this forums seem to have an evil agenda towards Mooji? He is one of the most humble, kind and compassionate beings out of all the enlightened teachers on youtube. Sadhguru and others you mentioned have much more of an Ego than Mooji does, for example. I know everyone resonates differently but the energy i get from Mooji is purer than most of the teachers out there. I guess we can only tolerate so much light before we draw the line.




Edited by pluto


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@pluto I am not sure about Mooji there are some accusations about him sleeping with disciples as well as secluding his daughter from living abroad due to financial issues?

What I read about Sadghuru so far has been more spiritual in the sense of the accusations are more not understandable for the ordinary human. For instance his wife killing herself and She actually transcended the cycle of rebirth. The article described some hindic concept of escaping rebirth and is considered higher than non-dual enlightenment. 

I don't have anything against Mooji but I became a bit more suspicious after reading the article above. Especially thinking about healthy, non-cult like Systems or Institutions and how difficult it is to live in a "mobbed-up" place. Not sure what to think about this. His teachings etc. Are legit I bet I like him at the beginning of his journey. But a depth check is definitely neccessary I intuit on the path. 

He definitely I does Not seem very traditional what I like from what I read, yet I can't come to a conclusion what to think about him. Which makes a bit dangerous for me If I would live there imo. 

Edited by ValiantSalvatore

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Believing those accusations is an indication the your spiritual sense is not strong and well developed. You can read people by their aura and energy bodies and overall frequency they emit. Sure, there are some people who abuse spiritual knowledge but one must understand if you abuse spiritual knowledge you lose it and those with spiritual sight will see right through you. There are universal laws in place to prevent people to use powers over people when they reach higher levels. Creation is not stupid.

People who speak a lot of truth and emit a lot of light are always targeted by the media, culture, society and those who live in fear and illusion because the very truth they present threatens the very lives of those who live in opposite direction so they attack to prevent the truth exposing those living and manipulating others in illusion.

The Ego wants to stay in control, when it becomes extremely uncomfortable, it does everything in its power to stop that process. If you have a lot of money and materialistic power, you can easily manipulate information, media, studies, science ect.. and everything else that is based on the material and physical but you cannot manipulate truth and spiritual sight.

Don't fall so easily on accusations of beings who are genuinely very pure and have very spiritual and purified auras, at those stages its near impossible to do anything disharmonious to self or others as all is seen, known and felt as ONE and even if you manage to do so, people with spiritual sight will see and feel it instantaneously as you will start to contaminate your purify and drop in frequency.

Focus more on developing your spiritual sight and senses, learn to read people by their energy, their aura, their frequencies. Hope this helps :)




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I dont believe in the accusations. I just know that I don't know as well as read the context and see what actually has been done. I like the idea of frequencies, Energy bodies, aura etc. I would trust that more becasue it adds up to me with Intuition. 

I don't know Mooji I would actually have tried to Go to a Satasang. But life circumstances did not allow the Plan to unfold etc. 

I can't really say more becasue I agree with most of what you wrote. I don't dislike Mooji it's just not really my type as a teacher, yet I would like to go there once potentially and learn. 

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Yes not resonating with someone is completely understandable and completely fine but we must learn to see more with our inner-eye(so to speak) our spiritual sight, rather than our physical senses which cannot see beyond illusion.

This may be challenging because i spend a lot of time in nature so my abilities become stronger and stronger because they more we use modern technology and surround ourselves in a chemically and technologically stimulated world, the more challenging it becomes to use our natural(higher abilities) we only seem to notice when our nervous system truly calms down when we are away in nature for a while and void of using anything or consuming anything that stimulates us and triggers our nervous system to react prematurely.

Many hermits start to develop telepathic and other psychic abilities with nature after some time being in the wild, understanding the animals, trees, rocks and everything gives off signals and energy but because we are stimulated in the modern world, it keeps our awareness too busy/fuzzy so we do not notice and see things for what they truly are.

This is why its very important to take care of our diet and lifestyle choices and this is where i believe many people today even on (self-actualization) categories struggle because they are doing all the right things but still struggle because they consume the wrong foods, expose themselves to too much stimulation and don't spend enough time in nature connecting with the earth and living one with the natural and universal cycles and rhythms.

Hope this helps :)

Edited by pluto


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