
The Amount of Concentration Needed for Enlightenment

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3 hours ago, Aakash said:

@Mu_ very true :) 

need to stick to what’s important and currently it’s saying: 

what is actuality and why can I grasp it. 

Actuality is the practice itself of practising a negation technique until it’s what is. 

How to escape a prison ? Dig an infinite tunnel.

What is practice ? 

“I don’t know”

maybe ? What do you think lol 

I don’t know if I’d go as far as to define actuality itself  as itself going through a negation technique to become what is. It’s always what it is, human point of view negation journey or not. 

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54 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Nope, that will not stop survival.

After ego death, survival will just be something that the body & mind does. It will not affect your emotional system in any way.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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1 hour ago, How to be wise said:

After ego death, survival will just be something that the body & mind does. It will not affect your emotional system in any way.

This has been proven to be false time and time and time and time again. 

You can still get angry, experience suffering, suffering, act like an asshole just like most other egos. The difference is that you now have a different relationship to it. That new relationship though often can turn toxic. Hence the need for shadow work. 

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All  kind of acts of violence - Murder,rape,terrorism,violence,abuse,cheating which harm others physically,mentally is termed as sin.

Regarding lust - It is attachment to sensual pleasure it is a necessary mechanism for pro-creation.So by itself it is neither good or bad.Only if one is attached addicted to lust - sex as a means of pleasure seeking like all other temporary sensual pleasure then it is considered a bondage.Seeing the opposite sex as object of pleasure is not expected from a Guru.

From the standpoint of a Guru who is supposed to see everything as one - god if is still entangled in petty lust identifies himself as body and and abuses his position as a master and indulges in sexual activity with the faithful innocent disciples then it is pure cheating.Doing great dis-service,harm.

How can such person who is deluded with lust,greed can consider himself qualified to impart Truth,selflessness,purity to the upliftment of fellow humans from bondage-suffering ?

Regarding enlightenment - There are no stages.Either one is enlightened or not enlightened.

There are only stages in transformation of mind.

With true wisdom it is said comes true humility,love,peace,compassion,un selfishness,patience,tolerance and compassion to uplift the humanity.

So how responsible the Guru should be in terms of living as an example his actions and teaching.Such high standards are mentioned expected as pre-requisites for a Guru.

But if an enlightened decides not to take that responsibility and chooses to remain free - mostly they dont interact with world and remain secluded.They dont disclose their wisdom nor claim themselves to be Guru.

Traditionally monks remain as brahmacharies for 12 years and only after careful observation Sanyas is offered only if their mind is pure.



Edited by Jkris

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10 minutes ago, Jkris said:


All  kind of acts of violence - Murder,rape,terrorism,violence,abuse,cheating which harm others physically,mentally is termed as sin.

Regarding lust - It is attachment to sensual pleasure it is a necessary mechanism for pro-creation.So by itself it is neither good or bad.Only if one is attached addicted to lust - sex as a means of pleasure seeking like all other temporary sensual pleasure then it is considered a bondage.Seeing the opposite sex as object of pleasure is not

From the standpoint of a Guru who is supposed to see everything as one - god if is still entangled in petty lust identifies himself as body and and abuses his position as a master and indulges in sexual activity with the faithful innocent disciple then it is pure cheating.Doing great dis-service,harm.

How can such person who is deluded with lust,greed can consider himself qualified to impart Truth,selflessness,purity to the upliftment of fellow humans from bondage-suffering ?

Regarding enlightenment - There are no stages.Either one is enlightened or not enlightened.

There are only stages in transformation of mind.

With true wisdom it is said comes true humility,love,peace,compassion,un selfishness,patience,tolerance and compassion to uplift the humanity.

So how responsible the Guru should be in terms of living as an example his actions and teaching.Such high standards are mentioned expected as pre-requisites for a Guru.

But if an enlightened decides not to take that responsibility and chooses to remain free - mostly they dont interact with world and remain secluded.They dont disclose their wisdom nor claim themselves to be Guru.


@Jkris been reading your posts of late - your wisdom has grown.  Have you had an experience of pure awareness yet?  


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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9 hours ago, Aakash said:

@Mu_ when you take all illusions out and are left with actuality. 

Or in other words, what is god’s perspective in actuality. 

I posted a picture of a nuclear bomb going off and said it’s beautiful. This is god’s perspective. When there is nothing outside of it, then there is nothing outside of it. That which is outside of it, is actually inside of it and that means that what is not actually true is only inside of it. How is it held inside of it ? As an idea or a concept held by the person. Nothing more than an imaginary phenomena. But Is actuality imaginary ? The idea is that form is imaginary from the point of our view of it looking at god’s perspective of god itself. However, this is not god’s perspective. This is your perspective of god’s perspective either in concept form or actual form if reAlised. 

In god’s perspective there is only god. 

Does god suffer ? No 

does god love ? Yes 

does god hate ? No 

does god hate ? Yes through you 

does god imagine ? No 

does god imagine ? Yes (through you) 

does god actualise ? Yes 

does god imagine actuality? No 

does god imagine actuality (reality) ? Yes (through you)

Does god see a difference in actuality ? No 

does god see a difference in actuality ? Yes (through you) 

every duality is created through you. The end of reincarnation is the giving up of self and devilry. The ineffable as I call it. Is the part of you that does not know itself to be god. 

Give up the ineffable and that is enlightenment. In other words, 

is it a paradox or actuality that duality exists and we have all found that if materialism is a concept imaginable. Then anything is. God is imagining the whole of duality. But this imagination is for you as a seperate “me” it is not actually the truth of actuality, “what is actually here or isness” 

If you complete enlightenment, you will die. Vanish into the night sky ... It’s not that your body is yours to command. It never was because reality itself and everything we talk about is not actuality. 

This last part is in theory. Your physical body could never talk about it, if it experienced it. Because that’s duality itself. It’s an impossibility. You would have to die, to know and then by that time. Your dead, so there’s nobody to know. And so knowing means unknowing. Etc etc etc .. because knowing and unknowing are duality with opposite. It’ll just be being without an opposite. 

The question you have to ask yourself is. If you die, what happens to actuality and the answer is nothing changes. You return to the market place having forgot enlightenment because “me” was never my thoughts or real in the first place. “Me” was just a concept. 

But emotions, materialism, hobbies, jobs, work, life, death we’re all real to “me” so they are distinctions by you. That is needed for partially living. It’s just not needed for actuality. So they are important. So the “I” needs to survive to be functional. So life still goes on. 

But has the i, fully died to truth. Because me is me and me is not the true me. But all is fulfilled when the true me is me. That true me, is still you but it’s now the true me as me and not me as me. LOL the mind fuck. 

Gives meaning to the answers to everything is inside of you :P 

Elegantly put.  I don't know why others don't understand you - i understood everything you said...somehow :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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4 hours ago, How to be wise said:

After ego death, survival will just be something that the body & mind does. It will not affect your emotional system in any way.

Cool story bro.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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