
Advertisement in a stage green country (Norway)

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Here's some examples on advertisements in Oslo. Thought it might be interesting as an example for ads in a sd stage green country ?




...But what if the opposite is true?

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1 hour ago, Ero said:

There are some foundations in my country (blue-orange) that have similar ads. Are all in Norway like this? I'm sure you have product ads also.

Nice ^_^ The top one is advertisement for collective transportation. Pretty much all ads have a green taste to it, thought these ones were very cute and wanted to share. There are exeptions of course, Norway have some orange colors as well. Good examples are the meat/dairy industry and banks, they make the ads seem super ethical, environmental friendly etc  in a sneaky and manipulative way. So they dress them up in green colors in a sense. I feel like obvious orange ads are not very common here

This is an advertisement they run on tv right now to get older people to sort more plastic, it's really funny. You can turn on english subtitles if you press the little wheel down in the corner :D 


I subscribed to your YouTube channel btw, looks really good. Keep it up ^_^ 

Edited by Dwarniel

...But what if the opposite is true?

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