
Powerful booster for the "letting go" technique from Leo's newest video

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Heres powerful hack to boost your ability to let go and exponentiate your progress with the technique. I posted this as a comment under the video but I think its worth putting up here as well since its been crucial in making progress my own attempts to let things go, particularly jugdement. But I'm also feeling lazy so I'm just going to copy paste the comment I left on the video, hope it helps!


Great technique great video leo! I know of a little cheat code that synergizes very well with this technique that I hope can help you guys when your using it. I realized I'd been using the letting go technique for a while but with a little twist that lowers the difficulty and acts as leverage for your letting go muscle, boosting its effectiveness. I have been revering to it as the "observe and love" technique even using that phrase as a mental mantra helps because after you've built muscle memory for that practice the mantra alone triggers those neural pathways and the method starts doing itself with less and less effort. The Idea is very simple, begin with the letting go technique but then after you observe your attachment or resistance to letting go you consciousnessly generate whatever love your can and direct it at yourself, Love is like rocket fuel for your ability to drop resistance.


This is especially useful if like me you struggle with judgement, especially self judgement, it offers a way out of the eternal judgement loop of catching yourself making judgements then proceeding to judge yourself for being judgemental. Of course you cant resolve judgemental reflexes if your using your judgement muscle to fix judgment haha. Love obliterates this more effective then anything else. One last key note is that if you notice something inside you that your judging as particularly ugly and your struggling to send that little back pack of love become aware that you are not the thought or the judgement but the awareness of that. Remember your awareness just became consciousness of a unpleasant resistance filled part of your pattern so that you could begin the process of transcending it, and your first instinct is to beat the shit out of yourself for becoming aware of it, basic Pavlovs dog, your not going to be as willing to let yourself become conscious of yourself in the future. Bring those points to your awareness and with that perspective you should find your self able to sprinkle that unconditional love to start that Pavlov's dog process going in the other direction which will probably astonish you as it makes the process feel fun and that little switch bit by bit it will become effortless, its the difference of trying to work 40+ hours a week at McDonalds or at your dream job you'd do for free anyway.

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Very nice addition. Personally I have a couple of different words to help me with this. Love it(like you said), feel into it, relax into it. 

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Thanks for this.  Here are some additional insights on letting go:

Things attention gets stuck on that can be let go:

  • Unforgiven past issues.
  • Worries about the future
  • Unfinished tasks.
  • Desires and resistances.
  • Lies, transgressions, and broken agreements.

When releasing, do not focus on your thoughts or mind-story, but put attention on the essential feeling in the body itself.  Some questions to get to the deeper unreleased feelings:

  • What is the feeling behind that thought?
  • What is the emotion behind that action?
  • Are there anymore feelings behind this feeling?
  • What would one have to believe to experience this?
  • Who sees is that way?
  • Is there a secret payoff for feeling this way?


The best way of releasing emotions is by doing nothing with them and just let them pass through without resistance.  Every emotion is limited in time and space, and must eventually run out.  Most of the time we suppress, ignore, resist, deny, express, and project emotions.  Questions that may get your 'letting go' process rolling:

  • Am I ready to let this go?
  • Do I want to let this go?
  • Could I stop giving this attention?
  • When will I let this go?
  • Could I see this as my creation and just drop it?
  • If I am not willing to let this go, why not?



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@AlterEgo Nice!! A very comphresive  guide on proper critical thinking to organize the mental story, If we must have a story it definitely should be as clear and close the the truth as possible which is more difficult then many will  give it credit for. I think this is  a key add on if your logically oriented because you probably will feel uncomfortable and reluctant to apply love and drop resistance if you feel you dont understand  the source of the agitation like its some mysterious void.  

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@enderx7 I like this a lot nice description too. I feel for me I tweak it just slightly, using the ‘love’ to project to the situation rather than myself. Just so the judgement of the situation can be fully dissolved and substituted. I would then attempt directing it to myself.

Whenever I find my self in situation of struggle, tension or resistance. I do the observe and let go. I use acceptance for the letting go. I observe my current bodily tensions and let them go, then focus on letting go of the conceptual mental constructs that surround them. 

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