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Aaron p

The power of periodically stopping the sadhana

2 posts in this topic

So there's been two times now where I've stopped doing my daily practise altogether for a period of about a week... and both times it's felt like I have had a rush of growth. Especially recently, I was on a cruise around the Mediterranean and I only meditated once in 14 days and since not doing my practise for a handful of days, I've had a few deep realisations. 

I think there is power in taking a strategic break from your sadhana. It feels like you come back to "normality", just more powerful than before. And I feel that this empowers the seeker to lunge into different realisations and discoveries. For example...after meditating and doing self enquiry hardcore for a year, and stopping it for 2 weeks, I realised that the practises are not meant to be intellectual, but free-floating and flowing. There was something about stopping my practises for a while that knocked me into this "being realisation".

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