
Suggestion/Idea For The Forum

3 posts in this topic

This place is such a treasure because you can talk to real people about all the strange, good and bad things that are happening to you on this confusing and (often) lonely path. I’m very grateful for the kind of guidance that is offered here.

It can be scary and confusing as hell for example when in one moment your entire life changes.
You literally don’t know if you’re going through a psychosis or how you should still function in this world.

And on top of that, there’s no one to talk to.
Your friends and family often won’t understand and doctors would probably drug you if you told them what is happening to you.

So here’s my idea:

Why not introduce some kind of help line for these kinds of emergency situations? For people that are having acute and overwhelming experiences like deep realisations and awakenings. Just someone on standby that can offer their experience and a listening ear.

There are ‘spiritual emergence centres’ all over the world for this purpose.
Link: http://www.spiritualemergencenetwork.org
The problem is, you’re probably not living close to one and maybe you don’t have the time or means to go there.

So how about taking that idea but being able to talk to someone directly without having to go anywhere?
Or maybe something like that already exists that I’m not aware of?

When I lived alone and scary things started happening to me, I had no one to talk to. I remember I would scroll through the forum, unable to write a post, looking for something that could help me while actually just talking to someone face to face might have helped a lot more.

Leo, you once said that you called a friend after you found out you just imagined your parents. A lot of people don’t have anyone to talk to in those situations. Ok, maybe it ultimately doesn’t help (because you’ve imagined him too, haha) but it was still a kind of first assistance, no?

Yes, you ultimately have to save those things alone but don’t underestimate the power of human connection.
Just knowing that something like this is available in case of emergency might give some people more courage to face those scary things.

Obviously, everyone would have to respect that kind of service and not abuse it.
And I’m not talking about having someone to get lost in philosophical discussions with.
The forum (and everything else that is in written form, like book) is still amazing for self actualisation work. I’m really just talking about emergencies here.

Obviously I have no idea how something like that would be actualized;-) I just wanted to get this idea off my chest.

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Neat idea. I'm sure some would disagree, but it seems to me that most of the forum is stage orange, which is very self-centered. If more on the forum were in stage green or even yellow, they could be more in the realm of empathy, compassion for others, and of selfless contribution to the betterment of others. In that kind of actualized.org forum, I could see many opportunities to help each other like this. I'd love to be on call to help someone who was having a rough trip and just needed someone who would understand and not judge to talk with. 

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Although, as a business, Leo has to be careful of connecting people like this. If something where to happen, he could be held liable and sued. So I think he is very careful to not have anyone try to connect outside of the forum, which is a controlled environment. The guidelines for the forum are chalked full of rules to prevent this. So doubt he could try something like this.

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